Title: PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
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PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
PSY 326 Entire Course (2 Set) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.psy326mentor.com This Tutorial
contains 2 Set of Papers for each Assignment,
Quiz (DQs 1 Set) PSY 326 Week 1 Assignment
Research Article Identification (2 Papers) PSY
326 Week 1 DQ 1 Ethics in Research
3PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
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PSY 326 Week 1 Assignment Research Article
Identification (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.psy326mentor.com This Tutorial
contains 2 Papers Research Article
Identification. Read each of the abstracts for
the articles listed below and then select oneof
them to be the full article that you will use for
all the written assignments in this course. The
abstracts and full-text versions of the articles
can be accessed through the EBSCOhost database in
the Ashford University Library Baldwin, V. N.,
Powell, T., Lorenc, L. (2011). Factors
influencing the uptake of memory compensations A
qualitative analysis. Neuropsychological
Rehabilitation, 21(4), 484-501.
4PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
PSY 326 Week 1 DQ 1 Ethics in Research FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.psy326mentor.com Ethics in
Research. After reading Chapter 1 in your text,
the APA ethical principles articles Ethical
Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct
(paying particular attention to Standard 8) and
Guidelines for Ethical Conduct in the Care and
use of Nonhuman Animals in Research , as well as
viewing the video Obedience and Ethics Benefits
and Costs of Psychological Conformity Studies,
analyze and critique the principles introduced
and applied in the various sources. Summarize
what you feel are the ethical pros and cons
5PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
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PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
PSY 326 Week 1 Quiz (2 Set -- 100 Score) FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.psy326mentor.com This
Tutorial contains 2 Set of Quiz Set 1
Question 1. Barbara is a research psychologist
examining how our interactions with friends and
family change over our lifespan. For example,
she wants to understand how peer interactions
change from childhood to adolescence. What area
of psychological research best describes
Barbaras work?
6PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
PSY 326 Week 2 Assignment Annotated Bibliography
of Research Methods(2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.psy326mentor.com This Tutorial
contains 2 Papers Annotated Bibliography of
Research Methods. Using the Ashford University
Library databases, locate and read peer-reviewed
articles on a variety of research designs and
methods. Be sure to include at least one article
regarding the method used in the study you
selected in Week One. Create an annotated
bibliography in which you select, summarize, and
evaluate at least six of these peer-review
7PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
PSY 326 Week 2 DQ 1 Research Design FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.psy326mentor.com Research
Design. Consider the following scenario You have
been approached by a pharmaceutical company that
has developed a new drug that is supposed to be
effective in the treatment of schizophrenia.
Before mass producing the drug they want to be
sure that it is more effective than the drug they
are currently producing. They have offered you an
opportunity to pitch your design of a research
study to determine the effectiveness of the new
drug compared with the old one. The company will
hire the person with the most effective research
design. In your posting/pitch include the
8PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
PSY 326 Week 2 DQ 2 Hypothesis Testing FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.psy326mentor.com Hypothesis
Testing. Based on the study you designed in the
Research Design discussion, apply the scientific
method by specifying the five steps of hypothesis
testing for your study. Step 1 State the
hypothesis. Step 2 Collect the data For the
purpose of this discussion, you will state how
you would collect the data.
9PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
PSY 326 Week 2 Quiz (2 Set -- 100 Score) FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.psy326mentor.com This
Tutorial contains 2 Set of Quiz Set 1
Question 1. A psychology instructor wants to
examine the consistency of his exam questions for
his psychology course. He uses a computer
program to compute the average correlation
between each pair of items to compute Cronbachs
alpha, a measure of ____________________.
10PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
PSY 326 Week 3 Assignment Critique of a Research
www.psy326mentor.com This Tutorial contains 2
Papers Critique of a Research Study. Read the
full texts of the study you selected in Week One
and the sources you included in your Week Two
bibliography. Evaluate the usefulness of each
source and write a critique of the study from
Week One, using the textbook and relevant
articles from the Week Two assignment to support
your analysis of the study. Use the following
section headings and content in your paper.
11PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
PSY 326 Week 3 DQ 1 Descriptive Research FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.psy326mentor.com Descrip
tive Research. Evaluate and briefly discuss the
three descriptive designs presented in Chapter 3
(case studies, archival research, and
observational research). Be sure to discuss the
strengths and weaknesses associated with each
approach. Which of these three approaches do you
think is the best descriptive design and why?
Finally, recommend research questions or topics
for which each of these designs would be
effective in
12PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
PSY 326 Week 4 DQ 1 Survey Research FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.psy326mentor.com Survey
Research. For this discussion, choose a research
area you would like to learn more about. Design a
study using one of the survey approaches
introduced in Chapter 4 of your course textbook.
Include the following in your post Briefly
describe the main points of your study. Apply
aspects of the scientific method to your study by
including the type of sampling you will use in
your research design and why you chose the
approach that you did to study this topic.
Include two sample questions that will be a part
of your study. Explain why each of these would be
13PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
PSY 326 Week 4 DQ 2 Data Analysis FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.psy326mentor.com Data
Analysis. Assume that you applied the method
proposed in the research study you designed for
the first discussion activity this week and now
have the data. Which of the methods used for
analyzing survey data would you use and why? Be
sure to explain why the approach that you are
proposing to use for data analysis is
14PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
PSY 326 Week 4 Quiz (2 Set 100 Score) FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.psy326mentor.com This
Tutorial contains 2 Set of Quiz Set 1
Question 1. ________________ is a measure of
dispersion that represents the average difference
between the mean and each individual score which
is calculated by taking the square root of the
15PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
PSY 326 Week 5 DQ 1 Experimental Versus
Quasi-Experimental Designs FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.psy326mentor.com Experimental Versus
Quasi-Experimental Designs. After reading Chapter
5 in the course text compare and contrast the
similarities and differences between experimental
and quasi-experimental designs. Describe the
different ways in which an independent variable
can be manipulated. Demonstrate application of
the scientific method and ethical principles by
explaining what dictates the selection of design
(experimental versus quasi-experimental) and the
type of manipulation used in a research study.
Finally, give an example of a situation that
could be studied with an experiment or
quasi-experiment and assess the appropriateness
of one design over the other in light of
practical and ethical concerns.
16PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
PSY 326 Week 5 Final Paper Research Proposal (2
www.psy326mentor.com This Tutorial contains 2
Papers Focus of the Final Paper Research
Proposal Design a research study on the topic of
the study selected in Week One and critiqued in
Week Three. Your design should seek to resolve
the limitations you identified in the study you
critiqued. Your paper must address all of the
components required in the Methods section of a
research proposal
17PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
PSY 326 Week 5 Quiz (2 Set 100 Score) FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.psy326mentor.com This
Tutorial contains 2 Set of Quiz Set 1
1. Question ______________
assesses the degree to which our results can be
attributed to our independent variables.
Question 2. Dr. Poe is conducting an
experiment in which he is examining the effect of
taking tests on later memory for studied
material. He has his participants study
18PSY 326 MENTOR Career Begins/psy326mentor.com
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