Title: Neck and Shoulder Pain - The Associated Symptoms
1Neck and Shoulder Pain - The Associated Symptoms
2In todays stressful life, neck and shoulder pain
has almost become an integral part of our life.
Neck and shoulders contain muscles, arteries and
veins, bones, nerves and many kinds of ligaments.
Some pains are life threatening, whereas others
are not serious.
- The most common cause of neck and shoulder pain
is injury to the soft tissues within these
structures. Abnormal conditions involving the
spinal cord, heart and lungs can cause pain to
these areas. -
- Broken collarbone can also result in pain. In
case of heart attack, though the main affected
organ is the heart, pain can occur in the neck
and the shoulder, known as referred pain.
4- Remedial massage is the systematic assessment of
the condition of the tendons, muscles, ligaments
and the connecting tissues and their treatment.
It is done to allow the body to return to its
normal condition, after an injury. - A remedial therapist possesses knowledge about
anatomy, pathophysiology as well as physiology.
This is for knowing, where exactly the treatment
will be needed. Before a remedial treatment is
started, judging the condition of the patient is
absolutely necessary.
5- Remedial massage is also useful for stiff neck,
which is characterized by soreness and a great
difficulty in moving the neck. Headache, neck
pain, shoulder pain and/or arm pain are some
other symptoms associated with it. -
- Repetitive strain injury (RSI) is a general term
which is used to describe the continuous pain
felt in the muscles due to repetitive usage. For
trapped nerve in neck, chiropractors are greatly
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