Title: CIS 4328 Help Bcome Exceptional / snaptutorial.com
1CIS 4328 Help Bcome Exceptional / snaptutorial.com
2(No Transcript)
3CIS 4328 Help Bcome Exceptional / snaptutorial.com
CIS 4328 Week 1 Individual Work Blue Bonnet
Explain the Blue Bonnet situation in systems
terms, using systems theory terminology. What has
caused the problem? What should Henry do to solve
the problem?
4CIS 4328 Help Bcome Exceptional / snaptutorial.com
CIS 4328 Week 2 Individual Work Palomar Plastics
CIS 4328 Week 2 Individual Work Palomar Plastics
5CIS 4328 Help Bcome Exceptional / snaptutorial.com
CIS 4328 Week 3 Individual Work
Design the form that Mildred has requested. Use a
word processor or similar software. Be as
inventive as you can in the form layout. Print a
blank copy. Make three additional copies of your
form, and complete them using the findings of
your data gathering. Prepare a Memo to Mildred
advising her of your forms design efforts, and
your recommendations concerning the three jobs.
Do you recommend prototyping, and, if so, how
strong is your recommendation? Attach the blank
form followed by the three completed forms.
6CIS 4328 Help Bcome Exceptional / snaptutorial.com
CIS 4328 Week 4 Individual Work PC User
Assessment Questionnaire
CIS 4328 Week 4 Individual Work PC User
Assessment Questionnaire
7CIS 4328 Help Bcome Exceptional / snaptutorial.com
CIS 4328 Week 5 Individual Work Midcontinent
CIS 4328 Week 5 Individual Work Midcontinent
8CIS 4328 Help Bcome Exceptional / snaptutorial.com
CIS 4328 Week 6 Individual Work Cowpoke
CIS 4328 Week 6 Individual Work Cowpoke Creations
9CIS 4328 Help Bcome Exceptional / snaptutorial.com
CIS 4328 Week 7 Individual Work Preliminary
CIS 4328 Week 7 Individual Work Preliminary
10CIS 4328 Help Bcome Exceptional / snaptutorial.com
CIS 4328 Week 8 Individual Work
Drawing upon the design principles presented in
the text, describe the features of the user
interface that will be most important to
experienced users like Norma.
11CIS 4328 Help Bcome Exceptional / snaptutorial.com
CIS 4328 Week 9 Individual Work
Design a generic post implementation evaluation
form. The form should consist of questions that
you could use to evaluate any information system.
The form evaluates the training received and any
problems associated with the program.
12(No Transcript)
13CIS 4328 Help Bcome Exceptional / snaptutorial.com