Title: ETH 321 OUTLET Future Starts Here/eth321outlet.com
1ETH 321 OUTLET Future Starts Here/eth321outlet.com
2ETH 321 OUTLET Future Starts Here/eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 OUTLET Future Starts Here/eth321outlet.com
www.eth321outlet.com ETH 321 Week 1 Individual
Assignment Role and Functions of Law Paper ETH 32
1 Week 1 Knowledge Check ETH 321 Week 2 Team Assig
nment ADR Clause for Learning Team Charter Paper E
TH 321 Week 2 Individual Assignment Ethical Dilemm
a Paper ETH 321 Week 2 knowledge Check ETH 321 Wee
k 3 Individual Assignment BUGusa, Inc. Case Scenar
io ETH 321 Week 3 knowledge Check ETH 321 Week 3 T
eam Assignment Corporate Executive Criminal Convic
tion Paper
3ETH 321 OUTLET Future Starts Here/eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 OUTLET Future Starts Here/eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 Final Exam Guide (New) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.eth321outlet.com Civil enforcement p
owers regarding federal antitrust matters belong t
o _______. the Treasury Department
the Department of Revenue and Taxation
the FTC and the Department of Justice
4ETH 321 OUTLET Future Starts Here/eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 OUTLET Future Starts Here/eth321outlet.com
www.eth321outlet.com 1- Applying the parole ev
idence rule a written contract is the final exp
ression of the party's agreement and may not be co
ntradicted by oral or written agreements made prio
r to the writing. oral agreements may be used t
o change a final written contract if the final wri
tten contract isn't exactly conforming to the pre-
contract agreements. written contracts with amb
iguous terms are automatically void and cannot be
5ETH 321 OUTLET Future Starts Here/eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 OUTLET Future Starts Here/eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 Week 1 Individual Assignment Role and
Functions of Law Paper FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
www.eth321outlet.com Write a 700- to 1,050-wor
d paper in which you discuss the roles of law and
courts in today's business environment. Differen
tiate the federal court structure with your state'
s court structure. Discuss the concept of judici
al review. Explain how laws or regulations affec
t your present job or industry. Properly cite at
least two references from your reading.
6ETH 321 OUTLET Future Starts Here/eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 OUTLET Future Starts Here/eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 Week 1 Knowledge Check FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.eth321outlet.com 1. What has been on
e of the focus areas of law in the United States o
ver the past few decades? 2. Identify the true sta
tement about the role of law in the United States.
3. Which of the following is one of the purposes
of law today? 4. Identify the true statement about
the American judiciary. 5. What is the function o
f an appellate court?
7ETH 321 OUTLET Future Starts Here/eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 OUTLET Future Starts Here/eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 Week 2 Individual Assignment Ethical
www.eth321outlet.com Access Films on Demand co
vering ethical topics by following these direction
s Click on University Library. Click on View
All Resources Alphabetically. Click on Films on
Demand. Open the drop-down menu under Collection
s and select Business and Economics. Select Busi
ness Law located under Ethics and Business Law Wat
ch any video where an ethical decision has been ma
8ETH 321 OUTLET Future Starts Here/eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 OUTLET Future Starts Here/eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 Week 2 knowledge Check FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.eth321outlet.com 1. Identify the tru
e statement about a claim of defamation. 2. Who am
ong the following is given absolute privilege or i
mmunity against defamation? 3. Delta Inc. has file
d a lawsuit against one of its new franchisees for
providing false information about the amount of i
ts profits it would give to Delta every month. Del
ta has also ascertained that the incorrect informa
tion caused pecuniary damages to Delta as well as
damages to its reputation. What type of business t
ort is illustrated in the scenario?
9ETH 321 OUTLET Future Starts Here/eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 OUTLET Future Starts Here/eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 Week 2 Team Assignment ADR Clause for
Learning Team Charter Paper FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.eth321outlet.com Write a 1,050- to 1
,400-word paper in which you do the following O
utline the various forms of an alternative dispute
resolution (ADR). Develop an ADR clause that mi
ght be used by a Learning Team to resolve disagree
ments among members using one of the forms you dis
cussed. This has to be an actual written clause.
Identify all provisions and information necessary
to enable the ADR to occur and function effective
ly. The clause must be suitable for use by any Lea
rning Team in any course of your program.
10ETH 321 OUTLET Future Starts Here/eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 OUTLET Future Starts Here/eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 Week 3 Individual Assignment BUGusa, Inc.
www.eth321outlet.com Resources Case Scenarios
Bugusa, Inc. multimedia link and Bugusa, Inc. Wo
rksheet Use the BUGusa, Inc. scenarios and your
research to support your answers to the questions
listed in the worksheet, classifying the types of
torts in each scenario. Click the Assignment Fil
es tab to submit your assignment.
11ETH 321 OUTLET Future Starts Here/eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 OUTLET Future Starts Here/eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 Week 3 knowledge Check FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.eth321outlet.com 1. In which case is
an offer irrevocable? 2. What does the mailbox ru
le, in the context of common law contracts, state?
3. Which of the following meets the consideration
requirement of contracts?
12ETH 321 OUTLET Future Starts Here/eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 OUTLET Future Starts Here/eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 Week 3 Team Assignment Corporate
Executive Criminal Conviction Paper FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.eth321outlet.com
Find an article in which a corporate executive
was criminally prosecuted. Write a 350- to 700-w
ord paper detailing the unethical conduct, the cri
me committed, and the outcome of the case.
13ETH 321 OUTLET Future Starts Here/eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 OUTLET Future Starts Here/eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 Week 4 Individual Assignment Elements of
www.eth321outlet.com Resource Elements of a
Contract Scenario Read the Elements of a Contra
ct Scenario. Write a 350- to 700-word paper answ
ering the questions at the end of the scenario.
14ETH 321 OUTLET Future Starts Here/eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 OUTLET Future Starts Here/eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 Week 4 knowledge Check FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.eth321outlet.com 1. Identify the tru
e statement about administrative agencies. 2. Whic
h of these demonstrates the adjudication function
of administrative agencies? 3. What is true about
the activities of administrative agencies? 4. Iden
tify the true statement about the rulemaking proce
ss followed by administrative agencies.
15ETH 321 OUTLET Future Starts Here/eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 OUTLET Future Starts Here/eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 Week 4 Team Assignment Business Entities,
Laws, and Regulations Paper FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.eth321outlet.com Select two of the b
usiness scenarios below. Write a 350- to 700-wor
d paper discussing the business entity that repres
ents the best choice for businesses you chose. Be
sure to consider control, taxation, and liability
issues. Restaurant or bar Lou and Jose plan to
open a sports bar and restaurant where customers s
ocialize and watch sporting events on
16ETH 321 OUTLET Future Starts Here/eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 OUTLET Future Starts Here/eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 Week 5 Knowledge Check FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.eth321outlet.com 1. What is one of t
he challenges in business ethics? 2. What can help
managers to overcome the challenge of teaching bu
siness ethics to employees? 3. How can an organiza
tion faced with the challenges of business ethics,
overcome these challenges?
17ETH 321 OUTLET Future Starts Here/eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 OUTLET Future Starts Here/eth321outlet.com
ETH 321 Week 5 Team Assignment Roles of State or
Federal Administrative Agencies Presentation
Simulation, not allowing download FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.eth321outlet.com Visit the
website of any three state or federal
administrative agencies for example National
Labor Relations Board (NLRB), Occupational Safety
and Health Administration (OSHA), Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC), Federal Communications
18ETH 321 OUTLET Future Starts Here/eth321outlet.com