Title: KPPL 2017 – KCIAPM Post Graduate Quiz
1KPPL 2017 KCIAPM Post Graduate Quiz
2KPPL 2017 KCIAPM Post Graduate Quiz
The event was inaugurated by the Honorable
chairman Sri.A.C.Shanmugam, RRGI and Director of
PG Academics Dr.Usha Ramachandra in the presence
of Medical Director Dr.D.L.Ramachandra, Dean
Dr.H.V.Shetty and Medical Superintendent
Dr.Govinda Raju.K.M.
3The chairman Of RRMCH Sri.A.C.Shanmugam has given
a golden speech for all students and
encourage/motivate event organizers
4A total of around 35 teams from more than 25
postgraduate medical colleges all over Karnataka
participated in this event.
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8Winners Dr.Nagarjun.B.R and
Dr.Shaila Bhat BMCRI.
91st Runner Dr.Afnan Gul and Dr.Nathiyal.V ESI-PG
IMSR, Bangalore.
102nd Runner Dr.Soumya.T.M and Dr.Diwakar Sharma
Kidwai Memorial Institute of oncology, Bangalore.
11Honorable chairman Sri.A.C.Shanmugam with
winners, runners and event organizers
12 35 teams from more than 25 postgraduate medical
colleges all over Karnataka participated in this
13Rajarajeswari Medical College and Hospital -