Tuberous Sclerosis : Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Tuberous Sclerosis : Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment


Tuberous sclerosis is also known as tuberous sclerosis complex or TSC. It is a complicated multi-system genetic disease which is very rarely observed but can cause very serious problems. As it is a genetic disease, it has the ability to cause benign tumours to grow in the brain and other vital organs like heart, lungs, kidneys, eyes, and on the skin. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Tuberous Sclerosis : Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment

Tuberous Sclerosis

Introduction to Tuberous Sclerosis
  • Tuberous sclerosis is also known as tuberous
    sclerosis complex or TSC. It is a complicated
    multi-system genetic disease which is very rarely
    observed but can cause very serious problems. As
    it is a genetic disease, it has the ability to
    cause benign tumours to grow in the brain and
    other vital organs like heart, lungs, kidneys,
    eyes, and on the skin. There are levels of
    severity of this disorder and thus, the symptoms
    and treatments vary depending on the case. Since
    it is a genetic disorder, it can be inherited
    through the previous generations. 

Causes of Tuberous Sclerosis
  • As mentioned earlier, tuberous sclerosis is an
    inherited disease through the genetic mutations
    which might have been created in the generations
  • This is caused due to the gene mutations in two
    genes, the TSC1 and TSC2 which are responsible
    for the further conditions.
  • When the mutation occurs, only a single parent is
    required to pass it to the child, and in many
    cases there are new mutations which could also be
    created. Due to this change and growth of the
    mutation, there is no solid family tracing of
    this disease even though it is hereditary.

Continue- Causes of Tuberous Sclerosis 
  • In this disease, both the skin and the central
    nervous system are involved and the most affected
    are the brain and the spinal cord.
  • Since the tumours are benign in nature, there are
    no known risk factors of the disease. It is only
    that, if a parent has this condition, the child
    can be a carrier. If only one parent has it,
    there is a 50 chance of the child inheriting it.

symptoms of Tuberous Sclerosis
  • The symptoms can be varied according to the organ
    on which the tumours are created, thus the
    treatment also depends on that.
  • For the skin, the symptoms are black spots, red
    patches on face which contain blood vessels,
    shagreen spots on raised patches, and white areas
    that look like ash leaves.
  • For benign brain tumours, symptoms could be
    seizures, developmental delays, and mental
  • Heart tumours or rhabdomyoma, is also a diagnosed

Continue- symptoms of Tuberous Sclerosis 
  • Pitted dental enamel is a very common symptom
    seen during this disease. Rubbery and
    non-cancerous tumours on or around the tongue are
    also observed.
  • Rough and small growths around and under the
    fingernails and toenails are also observed.
  • The symptoms for this disease differ from person
    to person, also depending on age and sex, so they
    cannot be generalized for everyone. Also, the
    above mentioned symptoms can be of various other
    diseases, hence it is advised that you get
    yourself checked if you start showing any of the
    aforementioned symptoms.

Treatment of Tuberous Sclerosis 
  • As mentioned earlier, the treatment for this
    condition totally depends on the symptoms that
    are observed in a patient. Apart from that, there
    is no cure or treatment for this disease. When
    these symptoms become serious due to some other
    complications in the body, the diagnosis of these
    problems helps in deciding the treatments for
    them. All you can do to treat tuberous sclerosis
    is trying and minimize the symptoms observed. The
    benign tumours can be surgically removed if they
    are creating too many problems in the body, or in
    the functioning of the organs. 

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