Title: Bakkers Driving School
The mobile ready Bakker's Online Driver's Ed
course remembers where you left off each time you
log in and out. Try it for free. We have the
fastest cell phone download speeds in the
industry. If you are satisfied,
2Once you have completed the online Drivers Ed and
Behind the Wheel training with us, we ask that
you take a couple of minutes to fill out the
survey on our "Customer Survey Card" page or
write a review on yelp.com and let us know what
you think.
3When you need to pass the written test your first
try, trust only California based driving schools.
All permit test websites are not the same. We use
only California teen permit tests on our all
mobile ready platform.
4Before you take your driving test in California,
it is required that you take at least six hours
of driver education training. Bakkers Driving
School offers convenient, thorough, and
state-approved San Diego driving lessons and
courses that will help prepare new drivers for
testing at the DMV for their drivers license.
52205 East Valley Parkway C?Escondido, CA
92027(858) 484-5832?(760) 436-9919