Title: Future Games Summit 2017
1Welcome to DingIt
Wed like to welcome you to the official beta
launch of Dingit. As with developing any content
site that supports a whole new breed of
technology and interactivity, the road to our
soft launch was paved with anything but diamonds.
2Finnish team take on eSports
With eSports revenues looking to hit and propel
over 1 billion US dollars next year, what better
time for Finnish studios Critical Force and
Reforged Studios to team up, with Critical Force
merging a 4.5M seed investment with Reforged
Studios has S2.5M existing worth.
3We wish you a Dingit Christmas
Christmas is upon us once again and that means
preparing to be covered in tinsel bits that will
never leave your body, sharing time with your
family and probably for most of you playing video
games non-stop while you have the time off.
4About Us
DingIt was founded in 2014 and has grown to a
team of 25 passionate entrepreneurs,
technologists and gamers based in London and
5Contact Us
6Thank You