Title: Mortgage Refinance Calculator
1All Western Mortgage
- How to Figure Out the Right Time to Refinance
Your Mortgage
2Before we tell you how to figure out the right
time to refinance, you must be aware of the
reasons of refinance. Here they are1) Rate and
Term Refinance 2) Cash-out Refinance 3) Changing
the type of loan
3Rate and Term Refinance
- The most common reasons for which people
refinance is to either shorten their loan term or
reduce their rate of interest.
4Cash-out Refinance
- Cash-out refinance means taking a new mortgage
amounting to more than you are currently owed.
You can take the difference as cash for any major
expenditure like paying off existing debts,
wedding etc.
5Changing the type of loan
- The other reason, for which people refinance, is
to change their loan type. It can be for
converting an Adjustable Rate mortgage to a
Fixed-Rate one, vice versa, for eliminating the
insurance of an FHA loan etc.
6- In order to figure out whether it is a good time
to refinance, you can use All Western Mortgages
home refinance calculator.
7Refinancing basically means replacing your
existing mortgage with a new one and that
requires you to pay the closing costs all over
again. The closing costs can amount to thousands
of dollars and thus, the savings from refinancing
must be greater than the costs. To decide whether
a mortgage refinance makes sense or not,
calculate the breakeven point (time taken by the
refinance to pay for itself) by using All Western
Mortgages loan refinance calculator. If you plan
on keeping the house for less than the break-even
time, refinancing doesnt make sense.
8All Western Mortgages mortgage refinance
calculator accurately tells you the amount of
your new monthly installment, monthly savings,
the difference between the overall amount of
interest that youll pay under current and new
mortgage plans, amount of interest youll save,
number of months itd take to break even the
closing costs, and net refinance savings.
9All Western Mortgage
- Contact Us
- Address
- 8345 W Sunset Rd, Suite 380 Las Vegas, NV 89113
- Phone 702-850-2790
- Corporate 702-369-0905
- Fax 702-906-0153
- E-mail info_at_awmlending.com
- Website
- http//www.awmlending.com/