Title: edu 620 aid Focus Dreams/edu620aiddotcom
1edu 620 aid Focus Dreams/edu620aiddotcom
- www.edu620aid.com
2EDU 620 Entire Course (2 Paper for each
Assignment) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.edu620aid
.com EDU 620 Week 1 Assignment Technology Change
s Everything (2 PPT) EDU 620 Week 2 Assignment G
ames In The Classroom (2 Papers) EDU 620 Week 2
Discussion 1 Student Motivation And Technology.
3EDU 620 Week 1 Assignment Technology Changes
VISIT www.edu620aid.com Technology Changes Every
thing. This assignment provides another opportunit
y for you to evaluate a variety of digital and ass
istive technologies for supporting diverse learner
s. For this assignment, you will create a presenta
tion using Microsoft PowerPoint or other presentat
ion software of your choice. To prepare for this a
ssignment, it is recommended that in addition to r
eading Edyburn (2013) Chapter 1 that you also revi
ew the Week One Instructor Guidance. Additionally,
be sure to view the TEDx Talks (2012) video Can T
echnology Change EDUcation?
4EDU 620 Week 2 Assignment Games In The Classroom
(2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.edu620aid.
com Games in the Classroom. Recall that one of t
he major benefits of using technology in the class
room is the ability to differentiate instruction t
o meet the needs of every student in every lesson.
Just as each student grows and develops at differ
ent rates, research tells us that students also le
arn in different ways. Jane McGonagall is an exper
t at differentiation through the use of games, whi
ch is sometimes described as a form of gamificatio
n. As featured in her engaging TED Talk (2010), Ga
ming can make a better world she discusses gamifi
cation in classroom contexts.
5EDU 620 Week 2 Discussion 1 Student Motivation
VISIT www.edu620aid.com Student Motivation and T
echnology. 1st Post Due by Day 3. This discussi
on provides an opportunity to evaluate a variety o
f digital and assistive technologies for supportin
g diverse learners. Based on the required readings
from Housand Housand (2012), McCombs (2000), an
d Page (2002), you know that research shows that e
ffective technology integration can support studen
t motivation, engagement, and interest in learning
. Furthermore, research has shown that through tho
ughtful integration of audio.
6EDU 620 Week 3 Assignment Udl/Cast Instructional
Plan Analysis (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.edu620aid.com UDL/CAST Instructional P
lan AnalysisThis assignment provides the opportun
ity for you to apply the principles of universal d
esign for learning (UDL) in the design of instruct
ion and assessment. Recall that UDL provides acces
s to the curriculum for students with a wide varie
ty of abilities and background. Therefore, UDL ali
gns with inclusionary practices found in todays s
chools. Furthermore, assistive technology supports
the UDL framework to provide a means of learning
for students with disabilities.
7EDU 620 Week 3 Discussion 1 Introduction To
Udl FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.edu620aid.com T
his discussion is an opportunity for you to apply
the principles of Universal Design for Learning (U
DL) in the design of instruction and assessment. I
n essence, UDL provides a blueprint for creating i
nstructional goals, methods, materials, and assess
ments that work for all learners. To prepare for t
his discussion, in addition to reviewing the Requi
red Resources for Week Three, view the CAST (2010)
video UDL at a Glance and the Week Three Instruct
or Guidance where additional assistance for excell
ing in this discussion and intellectual elaboratio
n about UDL is provided.
8EDU 620 Week 4 Discussion 1 Udl Guidelines
Examples And Resources FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.edu620aid.com UDL Guidelines Examples
and Resources. CLO3 This discussion is an oppor
tunity to further demonstrate your ability to appl
y the principles of Universal Design for Learning
(UDL) to the design of instruction and assessment.
As you learned last week from reading Edyburn (20
13) Chapter 5 and viewing the CAST (2010) video UD
L at a Glance, the three main principles supportin
g UDL are to Provide Multiple Means of (a) Represe
ntation (the what of learning), (b) Action and Ex
pression (the how of learning), and (c) Engageme
nt (the why of learning).
9EDU 620 Week 4 Discussion 2 Minimizing
Modifications For Individual Students FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.edu620aid.com Minimizing modif
ications for individual students. CLO 3. 1st Pos
t Due by Day 3.This discussion is an opportunity f
or you to apply the principles of Universal Design
for Learning (UDL) in relationship to constructiv
ism and meeting the needs of all students. To prep
are for this discussion, aside from reviewing the
Week Four Instructor Guidance, you will need to vi
ew the video UDL Minimizes modifications for indiv
idual students at the CAST website. To view the vi
deo, you will need to sign up for a free CAST acco
unt. b. Analyze the benefits for both students .
10EDU 620 Week 5 Assignment Creating A Udl
Instructional Plan (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.edu620aid.com Creating a UDL Instructi
onal Plan.This assignment is another opportunity t
o apply the principles of universal design for lea
rning (UDL) in the design of instruction and asses
sment. In this assignment, you develop a lesson pl
an that incorporates UDL and effectively leverages
educational technologies in the classroom. Specif
ically, using the Cast UDL Lesson Builder (2011) w
ebsite (see instructions below on how to access th
is website), you will create a lesson in either En
glish/language arts (ELA) or mathematics that incl
udes the components listed in the content expectat
ions, below.
11EDU 620 Week 5 Discussion 1 Career And Technical
EDUcation FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.edu620aid.c
om Career and Technical EDUcation CLO 1. 1st P
ost Due by Day 3.This discussion is an opportunity
for you to evaluate how the purposeful integratio
n of technology in instruction and assessment supp
orts student acquisition of 21st-century skills an
d more importantly career and technical education
(CTE). In the past few weeks, you have had the opp
ortunity to consider the inclusion of technology i
n teaching and learning as well as the principles
of UDL in practice. Now, we consider how UDL suppo
rts the acquisition of 21stcentury skills as these
relate to career and technical education.
12EDU 620 Week 6 Discussion 1 Course
Reflection FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.edu620aid.
com Course Reflection. This discussion is an opp
ortunity to analyze the impact that technological
competency has on your own professional developmen
t. Consider that the role of the classroom teacher
is the crucial factor in the full development and
use of technology adoption in schools. As a resul
t, to reach the goal of preparing teachers for eff
ective technology use, a well-designed professiona
l development program is essential. Professional d
evelopment as it relates to best practices of tech
nology use in the classroom must be viewed as an o
ngoing and integral part of teachers' professional
13EDU 620 Week 6 Final Project Community Event (2
Set) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.edu620aid.com
Community Event. The Final Project is your opportu
nity to demonstrate what you have learned througho
ut the course in a summative and comprehensive ass
ignment. Begin preparing for this assignment by re
ading the Week Six Instructor Guidance and by imag
ining the following scenario In just two months,
members of your community will vote on an 18 mill
ion educational technology bond intended to update
the technology infrastructure of both the school
district and local community center. The passing o
f the bond would provide upgraded technology.
14edu 620 aid Focus Dreams/edu620aiddotcom
- www.edu620aid.com