Title: Testing Tools Training in Hyderabad
1Software Testing Tools
- Plot 204, 2nd Floor, Above Bank of India ,Opp
Mythri vihar ,Ameerpet,Hyderabad.500016. - Email info_at_qedgetech.com Websitewww.qedgetech.c
om. - Ph9154112233 . 040-64644491 / 92.
- About The Course
- Manual Testing course will cover software testing
concepts, SDLC, STLC, Agile Testing, Effective
Testing methods, QA Process , TestCase writing,
TestCase Execution, Defect Reporting , Defect
Management and Test Management tools like
ALM/Quality Center. - Course Objectives
- After the completion of the Manual Testing
course, you will be able to - Understand fundamental concepts in software
testing, including software testing objectives,
processes, test strategies and testing
techniques. - Understand the software testing processes and
manual testing processes like Unit testing,
Integration testing, system testing, re-testing,
regression testing and system integration
testing and UAT etc., - Learn to plan a testing projects, design test
cases and data, conduct testing operations,
manage defects and generate test report. - Learn to conduct UI Testing, Usability
Testing, Load Testing, Performance Testing, - Security Testing and Compatibility Testing etc.,
- Learn Defect Reporting process and Defect
management process. - Learn implementing Testing Process using tools
like ALM(Quality Center) and JIRA. - Who can join this course?
- This is a foundation course for any Fresh
Graduates, Students and working professionals who
want to learn and gain knowledge on software
3Curriculum Software Testing Overview
Introduction to Software Testing Objectives of
Testing Software Development Process Project vs.
Product Error / Fault / Failure Why Software has
defects? Most common defects Cost of fixing
defects Testing then and Testing now What is
Verification Validation Difference between QA
QC Role of a Tester
Principles of Testing
Early Testing Exhaustive Testing Impossible
Defect Clustering Pesticide Paradox Testing is
Context Dependant Testing Should Show Presence of
Defects Absence of Error is a Fallacy
Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
- SDLC Phases SDLC Models
- Waterfall Model
- V Model
- RAD Model
- Prototype Model
- Spiral Model
- Agile Model
Software Testing Methodologies
Static Testing White Box Testing Black Box
Testing Gray Box Testing
4Static Testing Techniques
Reviews Types of Reviews Inspections Audits
White Box Testing
Unit Testing Integration Testing
Black Box Testing
System Testing User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
- Alpha Testing
- Beta Testing
- System Testing and Types of System Testing
Smoke / Sanity Testing Formal Testing Priority
Based/Risk Based Testing Ad-hoc
Testing Re-Testing and Regression Testing
End-to-End Testing Exploratory Testing Benchmark
Testing Monkey Testing UI Testing Usability
Testing Security Testing Performance Testing
Load Testing Stress Testing Compatibility
Testing Installation Testing Globalization
Testing Localization Testing Recovery Testing
5- Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC)
- Test Planning
- Test Strategy
- Test Plan
Test Analysis
- Analyzing Functional Requirements
- Preparing Requirement Clarification
Test Preparation
- Identifying documenting Test Scenarios
- Test Case Design Techniques
- Decision Table Testing
- State Transition Testing
- Use case Testing
- Preparing Test Cases
- Preparing Test Data
- Preparing RTM
- Test Execution
- Build Release Process
- Executing Testcases
- Defect / Bug Life Cycle
- Defect Management
- What is defect?
6- Agile Testing
- Overview of DataBase Testing
ALM (Quality Center)
- Overview of Test Management
- QC Tool Architecture QC Site Administration
- Creating Domain
- Creating Project
- Creating Users
- Mapping User to QC Project
- QC User Modules
- Defining Test Requirements
- Writing TestCases in QC
- Mapping TestCases to Requirements
- Exporting TestCases from Excel to QC
- Create Test Sets
- Executing TestCases
- Defect Reporting Defect Tracking
- Analyzing Reports Graphs
Project Testing WorkShop
7About The Course Selenium is used for automating
Web Application Testing. Selenium is open source
tool, hence many companies preferring Selenium
to cut down project maintenance cost which
increased demand for Selenium Testers. In this
course you will experience to work with
Modularity Framework, Data Driven Framework,
Keyword Driven Framework and Hybrid Framework.
Selenium IDE, Selenium WebDriver, Selenium-Grid,
TestNG, MAVEN,Jenkins is covered during the
course. You will learn to perform tests on
multiple machines simultaneously running on
different Operating Systems and Cross Browser
Testing with Selenium. Course Objectives After
the completion of Testing with Selenium
WebDriver Course, you should be able to
? Understand Selenium Architecture and its components
? Record and importing tests with Selenium IDE
? Identifying elements using Locatorse.g by link, by text, by id, by css, by xpath etc.
? Understand Selenium WebDriver/ Selenium 2.0
? Automating Textbox,DropdownList,Link,Checkbox,RadioButtons,Tables,Calender,
? Keyboard and mouse operations
? Handling Alerts and Multiple windows
? Validate page content using Selenium WebDriver API
? Write Test cases using TestNG
? Creating Reusable automation Tests
? Generating Customized Test Results
? Use WebDriver advanced features e.g. taking screenshots, handling cookies and
? managing Exceptions
? Create Data driven, Keyword driven and Hybrid test frameworks
? Perform Cross browser testing with Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari and
? Opera Perform distributed testing using Selenium GRID
? Automate windows applications with AutoIt
? Scheduling Tests with Jenkins
Who can join this course?
8Professionals from any domain can join the course
as it does not require hard core programming
knowledge. Selenium is a new and booming
Technology in Software Industry that is widely
accepted across all the industries. People with
basic knowledge of Object Oriented Programming
can easily take up this course. Pre-requisites T
he pre-requisite for this course is basic
knowledge of Core Java. We provide a
complimentary course "Java Essentials for Testing
With Selenium WebDriver" to all the participants
who enrol for Selenium course. Project
Work Towards the end of the course you will be
working on a Project where we will be automating
a Web Application to cover all the possible cases
of interaction with application. Project will be
Keyword Driven so that it should work as per user
instructions. Test cases will be executed
multiple times using Data Driven approach.
Project will handle Textboxes, Links, Checkbox,
Radio button, submit button, reset button, URL,
Page Title, synchronization between pages when
navigating from one page to another, taking
screenshots of application for each of the
validation of verbose, textbox value, dynamic
links, handling of dialog and alert box,
fetching data from application. We will build
this Project using Eclipse and Selenium
WebDriver. Why learn Selenium? Selenium is an
open source tool and covers all the scenarios
what licensed tool like QTP, IBM RFT or other
available tools in market can do. Performance,
execution speed and browser interaction of
Selenium is too fast than any other automation
tool. Unattended execution can be achieved using
Selenium Framework. Selenium supports different
operating systems along with support for
different programming languages and browsers,
these features makes the Selenium ahead of any
other Automation tool.
9Java Essentials for Testing With Selenium
- Java Programming Basics
- Why Java for Selenium
- Installing Java
- Installing Eclipse
- First Eclipse Project
- First Java program
- Concept of class file
- Datatypes in Java
- String class and functions
- o Practical Examples on Strings handling
- Conditional Statements
- Ifelse
- Switchcase
- Practical Examples with conditions
- Loops
- o o o
- Arrays
- o o o
While Loop For Loop Practical Examples with loops
Single Dimensional Arrays Two Dimensional
arrays Practical usage of arrays in Selenium
- Operators
- What are Functions?
- Function Input Parameters
- Function Return Types
- Object Oriented Programming
- Local Variables
- Global Variables
- Static and Non-Static Variables
- Static and Non-Static Functions
- Creating Objects in Java
- Meaning of static
- Why is main method static?
- Object and Object References
- Call by reference and Value
- Overloading and Overriding Functions
- Access Modifiers - Public/Private/Default/Protect
ed - Constructors
10- Creating Packages
- Accessing Classes across Packages
- Exception Handling
- Exception handing with try catch block
- Importance of exception handling
- Exception and Error
- Throwable Class
- Final and Finally
- Throw and Throws
- Different Types of Exceptions
- Need of exception handling in Selenium framework
- Automating Excel file Operations
- Creating/Opening XLS Files
- Reading/Writing Microsoft XLS Files
- Counting Rows and Columns
11Selenium Introduction
- Introduction to Selenium and its Components
- What is Selenium?
- Who developed Selenium?
- Selenium Components
- Selenium IDE
- Installing Selenium IDE
- Creating your First Selenium IDE script
- How to use Locators in Selenium IDE
- How to enhance a script using Selenium IDE
- Creating and Running Tests
- Creating and Running Test Suite
Selenium WebDriver
- WebDriver Introduction
- Introduction to WebDriver Comparison with
Selenium RC - Installing Selenium WebDriver
- Architecture of selenium Webdriver
- Creating your First Script in Webdriver
- Launching AUT and Inspecting properties of
Elements - Launching AUT in FireFox
- Launching AUT in InternetExplorer
- Launching AUT in Chrome
- Launching AUT in Safari
- Inspecting properties of Elements on different
Browsers - Installing FireBug and FirePath
- Creating FireFox Profile
12- Automating Operations on various Elements
- Browser
- TextBox
- ListBox
- Links
- Check Box
- Radio Button
- HTML Tables
- Calendars
- Automating Keyboard and Mouse Events
- Action Class
- KeyBoard Events
- Drag Drop Actions
- Mouse Hover Action
- RightClick, Double Click Tool Tip
13Handling Ajax Components
- Creating Customize XPath/CSS Selectors
- What is XPath
- When to Use XPath
- Absolute XPath/Relative XPath
- Specifying conditions with XPath
- CSS Selectors
- Customizing CSS Selector
- Synchronization
- ImplicitWait
- WebDriverWait
- FluentWait
- PageLoadTimeout
- What is TestNG?
- Advantages of TestNG over JUnit
- Why do we need TestNG in Selenium?
- Installing TestNG in Eclipse
- Creating a New TestNG Test File
- _at_Test annotation
- Running the Test
- Checking reports created by TestNG
- Generating HTML Reports
- Annotations used in TestNG
- Validating Tests with Assertions
- Creating multiple Tests
- Prioritizing Tests
- Parameterizing Tests with dataProvider
- TestNG dataProvider with Excel
- Creating and Running Test Suites with TestNG.xml
- Parallel Test Execution with TestNG
14? Cross Browser Testing using TestNG
Automation Test Frameworks
- Modular Driven Framework
- Keyword Driven Framework
- Data Driven Framework
- Hybrid Framework
- Page Object Model (POM) Page Factory in
Selenium - What is POM
- Why POM?
- Advantages of POM
- Creating POM Tests
- What is Page Factory?
- Creating Tests with Page Factory
Database Testing using Selenium
- JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)
- Driver Manager
- Driver
- Connection
- Statement
- ResultSet
- SQLException
- Connecting to DataBases
- Sending SQL Queries to Database
- Processing Results
- Real-time examples of Database Testing with
- Installing AutoIT
- Components of AutoIT
- Using FinderTool
15- AutoIT commands
- Creating Scripts in AutoIT
- Creating executable files
- Running AutoIT Scripts from Selenium
Selenium GRID
- What is Selenium Grid?
- When to Use Selenium Grid?
- What is a Hub and Node?
- How to Install and Use Grid 2.0?
- Designing Test Scripts That Can Run on the Grid
- Using the DesiredCapabilites Object
- Using the RemoteWebDriver Object
- Running a Sample Test Case on the Grid
- Sequential and Parallel Test Execution
- Running Tests on different Operating Systems
- Running Tests on different Browsers
- What is Maven and Why Maven?
- Installing/Configuring Maven
- Creating Maven Project
- Importing Maven Project into Eclipse
- What is POM.xml?
- Adding Dependencies to POM.xml
? Installing/Configuring Jenkins
? Scheduling Test Execution in Jenkins
? Auto mail configuration in Jenkins
? What is continues integration?
? Continues integration with JENKINS
- Downloading and Installing GIT
- Installing GIT and GITHUB plug-ins for JENKINS
- Configuring SSH host keys for GIT and JENKINS
16- GIT Bash commands
- Uploading project to GIT
- Introduction about Logging
- Logging problems without Log4J
- How to solve Logging problem with Log4J
- What is Layout?
- Different types of Layouts in Log4J
- What is Appender?
- Different types of Appenders