Title: Kids Coder Singapore : SG Education Programming language
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26 Fun Games To Introduce Coding To Kids
Coding is the backbone of programming software,
mobile apps and websites. So, getting a knowhow
of this technology can prove to be highly
beneficial for kids in the tech driven era.
With exploding careers in the tech industry,
countries like Britain have made coding mandatory
in schools.
3Our Service
- Creative Learning Center Singapore
- Kid Coders Singapore
- Children Learning Programs Singapore
- Sg Education Programming Language
- Kids Robotics Learning Center
- Programming For Kids Singapore
- Kids Learning Center Singapore
- Kids Programming Learning Centre
- Scratch Coding Course Singapore
- Learning Programming From Scratch
4Creative Learning Center Singapore
With the emergence of private creative learning
center Singapore is keen to increase the number
of kid coders by introducing coding in schools.
Learning to code can benefit kids in the long run
as they help kids learn critical decision making
skills, analytical skills, enhance their
creativity when they learn to create something
from scratch.
Those kids who may not be ready to jump into the
coding world right away, they can still get the
hang of it by learning the basics in fun and
accessible way. There are few games that can help
kids try their little hands on programming
5Scratch Junior
It is a version of Scratch that is available as
a free Android and IOS app. This fun website lets
kids create their own games and stories that is
centered around the characters they make. They
can add
their own sounds and use
series of programming blocks to
dictate the
actions of the
characters. It is apt for
kids aged 5-7.
It is a free IOS app. The concept of giving
commands to the characters is similar to the
other apps, however this game involves a lot more
creativity than the
others. Multiple characters
can be added in this
game and
older kids can program actions
and create their
own stories
around their code.
7kid coders Singapore
Kodable is a fun game for kid coders Singapore
that has 100 levels where the gamer needs to
help a funny little alien navigate mazes on a new
planet. The game teaches kids coding concepts
like looping, debugging, conditions and
functions. It is available for free on IOS, the
pro version costs 7. It is suitable for kids
aged 5-8.
Suitable for 6 kids, robozzle is a social puzzle
game that needs guiding a robot through series of
maze with limited commands. Levels vary according
to difficulty level and they can get pretty
challenging for even seasoned coders. Its
versions can be played on browsers for free,
however prices may vary up to 2on IOS and
android platforms.
9Contact Information
SG Code Campus Pte Ltd. 1 Marine Parade Central
03-04 Singapore 449408 enquiries_at_sgcodecampus.c
om www.sgcodecampus.com