Title: Toogit - Great Work, Creativity & Trust Delivered Online
Great Work, Creativity Trust Delivered Online
2What is Toogit..??
This is Largest Freelancing Platform for All
It is Free.
Hourly based work facilities Fixed Price.
3What is Toogit..??
Great for developers, designers and IT People.
Find work, jobs, Report and Messages.
4What Toogit Provide
We help you find the freelancers for your
job/task, and we provide you with tools to manage
and deliver the work. You can define SMART
(specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and
timely) goals and witness as they are completed.
5What Toogit Provide
Our vision is to help freelancers and employers
across the globe work smart.
6What Toogit Provide
Jobs on various categories like IT
Programming, Graphic Design, Content Writing,
Data Entry, Finance, Sales, Marketing and many
more can be posted
7As a freelancer
You can create your profile
8As a freelancer
You can create your profile
Create your portfolio
9As a freelancer
You can create your profile
Create your portfolio
Search jobs
10As a freelancer
You can create your profile
Create your portfolio
Search jobs
Submit Proposals
11As a freelancer
You can create your profile
Create your portfolio
Search jobs
Submit Proposals
Get paid for the work done
12As a Client
You can post your job requirement
13As a Client
You can post your job requirement
Receive Proposals
14As a Client
You can post your job requirement
Receive Proposals
Hire a Freelancer based on proposals
15As a Client
You can post your job requirement
Receive Proposals
Hire a Freelancer based on proposals
Use integrated project management tool to manage
your job posting
16As a Client
You can post your job requirement
Receive Proposals
Hire a Freelancer based on proposals
Use integrated project management tool to manage
your job posting
Chat with freelancer on toogit messenger
17As a Client
You can post your job requirement
Receive Proposals
Hire a Freelancer based on proposals
Use integrated project management tool to manage
your job posting
Chat with freelancer on toogit messenger
Receive real time notifications about your job
postings progress
18As a Client
You can post your job requirement
Receive Proposals
Hire a Freelancer based on proposals
Use integrated project management tool to manage
your job posting
Chat with freelancer on toogit messenger
Receive real time notifications about your job
postings progress
Pay your freelancer
Great Work, Creativity Trust Delivered Online
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