Title: Camphor Manufacturers (11)
1Welcome To KM Chemicals
Leading Mint Products Manufacturers like Menthol
Crystals Essential Oils Camphor Natural
Peppermint Mint Menthol Spearment Oil Basil
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3KM Chemicals is leading the market over 20 years.
We now have a renowned name in the mint industry.
We manufacture a wide range of mint products
including Menthol Crystals, Camphor, Thymol
Crystal, Indian Basil Oil, Menthol Powder,
Isoborneol Flakes, Peppermint, and Essential Oils
etc. We have a great recognition among our
clients because of the quality and purity of the
product because of this we now successfully
carved our niche as skillful Essential Oils
Manufacturers based in India. We have a team to
support the overall process of distilling,
manufacturing, testing and procuring.
Furthermore, we are also involved in providing
the global shipping for the convenience of our
clients. We serve our products in each and every
cornerstone of the planet. To get any type of
mint product at a pocket-friendly price you are
free to call us. We do our best to understand
what you want and to fulfill the same within a
mean time.
4Our Product Range
Camphor has various medicinal properties which
are great at healing the cough and cold. It also
used in various beauty products and hair care
products because it provides added benefits to
enhance the beauty and hair conditions. It
promotes hair growth and cures dandruff. It is
also an effective lice treatment. Camphor is also
used to extract oil which has various uses
including as a disinfectant and as in
aromatherapy. It also plays an important role in
the food industry as it has strong flavor. KM
Chemicals is the leading Camphor Manufacturers
which has various mint products and essential
oils. The company has numerous satisfied
clientele since 1996 and serves internationally
as well as in India.
6Pure and organic product Has strong
aroma Natural Good for health and beauty
8Essential Oils
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10- Purity and quality guarantee
- Expertise in the field since 1996
- We serve nationally and internationally
- We provide global shipping
- Based in India
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13KM Chemicals
Contact Person Mr. Pankaj Bansal Address No.
429 - Sikree Gate, Near Sneh Lata School,
Chandausi, Uttar Pradesh 202412 India Mobile
91-9837086366 / 9528595755 Landline
Phone05921- 252800 Fax 91-5921-252800
Email kmchemical_at_gmail.com /
pankajbnsal_at_yahoo.co.in Website
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