Title: crj 305 cart Focus Dreams/crj305cartdotcom
1crj 305 cart Focus Dreams/crj305cartdotcom
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2 CRJ 305 Entire Course (Ash) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.crj305cart.com Factors that Cause
Crime. In Chapter 1 of Crime Prevention, the
author discusses factors that cause crime. Select
a specific crime or criminal issue. What are
three factors that lead to the crime or criminal
justice issue you identified? Identify possible
solutions to the crime or criminal justice issue
you selected. Why do you think these solutions
would be effective solutions? Are your solutions
cost effective? SARA Problem-Solving Process. The
Department of Justice published the
pamphlet, Crime Analysis for Problem Solvers in
60 Small Steps. Step 7 addresses the Problem
solving process.
3 CRJ 305 Week 1 DQ 1 Factors that Cause Crime
(Ash) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.crj305cart.com
CRJ 305 Week 1 DQ 1 Factors that Cause
Crime Business - General Business Factors that
Cause Crime. In Chapter 1 of Crime Prevention,
the author discusses factors that cause crime.
Select a specific crime or criminal issue. What
are three factors that lead to the crime or
criminal justice issue you identified? Identify
possible solutions to the crime or criminal
justice issue you selected. Why do you think
these solutions would be effective solutions? Are
your solutions cost effective?
4 CRJ 305 Week 1 DQ 2 SARA Problem-Solving Process
(Ash) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.crj305cart.com
CRJ 305 Week 1 DQ 2 SARA Problem-Solving
Process Law - General Law SARA Problem-Solving
Process. The Department of Justice published the
pamphlet, Crime Analysis for Problem Solvers in
60 Small Steps. Step 7 addresses the Problem
solving process. Discuss the four components of
the SARA model. How does the SARA model
contribute to identifying and narrowing the crime
or criminal issue for study? Why is it important
to proceed through each step consecutively and
not skip steps?
5 CRJ 305 Week 1 DQ 3 Journal Article Review Court
Crime Prevention Programs (Ash) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.crj305cart.com CRJ 305 Week 1
DQ 3 Journal Article Review Court Crime
Prevention Programs Law - General Law Journal
Article Review Court Crime Prevention Programs.
During this course you will submit three journal
article reviews from the Ashford Online Library.
You can use this research in your Final Project
due in Week Five. The reviews will addresses
crime prevention strategies through one of the
following criminal justice system components a.
Policing Crime Prevention Programs.
6 CRJ 305 Week 2 DQ 1 Targeting of Crime
Prevention Programs (Ash) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.crj305cart.com CRJ 305 Week 2 DQ 1
Targeting of Crime Prevention Programs Law -
General Law Targeting of Crime Prevention
Programs. Our course text addresses targeting
crime prevention programs towards individuals
(Chapter 3), groups (Chapter 4), or the community
(Chapter 5). Select one of these, and address the
strengths and weaknesses of a crime prevention
strategy focused at individuals, groups, or the
community. How will the crime prevention strategy
contribute to social and criminal justice?
7 CRJ 305 Week 2 DQ 2 Problem Analysis Triangle
(Ash) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.crj305cart.com
CRJ 305 Week 2 DQ 2 Problem Analysis
Triangle Law - General Law Problem Analysis
Triangle. The Department of Justice published the
pamphlet, Crime Analysis for Problem Solvers in
60 Small Steps. Step 8 addresses the Problem
Analysis Triangle. What are the components of the
problem analysis triangle, and why is it so
effective in analyzing crimes and criminal
8 CRJ 305 Week 2 Statistical Analysis Presentation
(Ash) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.crj305cart.com
CRJ 305 Week 2 Statistical Analysis
Presentation Law - General Law Statistical
Analysis Presentation. For this assignment, you
can choose to either create a PowerPoint
presentation or write a report depicting your
analysis of historical crime data for a specific
category of crime or criminal issue. Focus your
research on one component of the criminal justice
system (i.e., law enforcement, courts, or
corrections). The data and charts you develop may
be used in your Final Project.
9 CRJ 305 Week 3 DQ 1 Rational Choice and
Deterrence Theory (Ash) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.crj305cart.com CRJ 305 Week 3 DQ 1
Rational Choice and Deterrence Theory Law -
General Law Rational Choice and Deterrence
Theory. In Chapter 7 of Crime Prevention,
Robinson states that "Rational choice and
deterrence theories are two related theories that
help understand why criminal justice including
crime control and crime prevention activities of
police, courts, and corrections.
10 CRJ 305 Week 3 DQ 2 Twenty-five Techniques of
Situational Prevention (Ash) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.crj305cart.com CRJ 305 Week 3 DQ 2
Twenty-five Techniques of Situational
Prevention Law - General Law Twenty-five
Techniques of Situational Prevention. Identify a
crime or criminal issue that you believe has a
law enforcement solution. Considering the Problem
Analysis Chart (Step 8) in Crime Analysis for
Problem Solvers in 60 Small Steps (assigned
reading for Week Two) and the Twenty Five
Techniques of Situational.
11 CRJ 305 Week 3 DQ 3 Journal Article Review
Policing Crime Prevention Programs (Ash) FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.crj305cart.com CRJ 305
Week 3 DQ 3 Journal Article Review Policing Crime
Prevention Programs Law - General Law Journal
Article Review Policing Crime Prevention
Programs. During this course you will submit
three journal article reviews from the Ashford
Online Library. You can use this research in your
Final Project, due in Week Five. The reviews will
addresses crime prevention strategies through one
of the following criminal justice system
components a. Policing Crime Prevention Programs.
12 CRJ 305 Week 4 DQ 1 Court Initiatives
(Ash) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.crj305cart.com
CRJ 305 Week 4 DQ 1 Court Initiatives Law -
General Law Court Initiatives. Select one of the
following Activities from Chapter 8 of Crime
Prevention for your initial post. a. Activity
Three Strikes b. Activity Drug Courts c.
Activity Specialized Courts .
13 CRJ 305 Week 4 DQ 2 Corrections Initiatives
(Ash) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.crj305cart.com
CRJ 305 Week 4 DQ 2 Corrections Initiatives Law
- General Law Corrections Initiatives. Select one
of the following Activities from Chapter 9
of Crime Prevention for your initial post. a.
Activity How Much Are Americans Spending for
Corrections? b. Activity Restorative
Justice Your initial post must be a minimum of
250 words in length. Support your post with
examples from your required reading material and
/or other scholarly sources, and provide in-text
citation in APA style.
14 CRJ 305 Week 5 DQ 1 Crime Prevention Initiatives
(Ash) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.crj305cart.com
CRJ 305 Week 5 DQ 1 Crime Prevention
Initiatives Law - General Law Crime Prevention
Initiatives. Select one of the following
Activities from Chapter 10 of Crime
Prevention for your initial post. a. Activity
Crime Prevention. Medical Focus Brain
Dysfunction b. Activity Crime Prevention. Crime
Prevention Social Capital Human Capital.
15 CRJ 305 Week 5 DQ 2 Gun Violence (Ash) FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.crj305cart.com CRJ 305
Week 5 DQ 2 Gun Violence Law - General Law Gun
Violence. According to Robinson, when we compare
America to countries around the world, America
does not have a high rate of crime, but has one
of the highest rates of lethal violence (2012).
Discuss three factors that are contributing to
lethal violence. Using the Problem Analysis
Triangle (introduced in Week Two), discuss three
potential initiatives to counter gun violence.
16 CRJ 305 Week 5 Final Paper (Ash) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.crj305cart.com CRJ 305 Week 5
Final Paper Law - General Law Focus of the Final
Project The purpose of the Final Project is for
you to demonstrate your understanding of crime
prevention programs and the role crime prevention
plays in the overall criminal justice system. You
may select a crime prevention program that
addresses law enforcement, the courts, or
corrections or it may be a comprehensive program
that addresses all three. The program may address
the adult justice system, juvenile justice
systems, or both.
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