Title: BSHS 322 Course Begins Success / bshs322dotcom
1BSHS 322 Course Begins Success / bshs322.com
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2BSHS 322 Course Begins Success / bshs322.com
- BSHS 322 Week 1 Discussion Question 1
- BSHS 322 Week 1 Discussion Question 1BSHS 322
Week 1 Discussion Question 2BSHS 322 week 1
Individual Assignment Text Exercises Journal
- What is a person-centred approach to
3BSHS 322 Course Begins Success / bshs322.com
- BSHS 322 Week 1 Discussion Question 2
- BSHS 322 Week 1 Individual Assignment Text
Exercises Journal Entries
- How do you create trust and respect in
communication with clients and staff?
- Text Exercises and Journal Entries
- Complete the following Text exercises in
Interviewing in Action, using your Journal for
all exercises 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.3, 2.4,
2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, and 2.10. -
4BSHS 322 Course Begins Success / bshs322.com
- BSHS 322 Week 2 Discussion Question 1
- BSHS 322 Week 2 Discussion Question 2
- What constitutes effective nonverbal behavior?
Ineffective behavior?
- What is unconditional positive regard? How is
unconditional positive regard relevant and useful
when working with others?
5BSHS 322 Course Begins Success / bshs322.com
- BSHS 322 Week 2 Individual Assignment My
Beliefs, Values, and Clinical Gestalt with
Individuals and Systems Paper
- BSHS 322 Week 2 Individual Assignment Text
Exercises Journal Entries
- Complete the following exercises in Interviewing
in Action, using your Journal for all exercises
3.11, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, and 4.8. Submit your
Journal entries for this week on Day 7/Monday .
- Review your text exercises and journal entries
from week one and two. In particular review
Exercises 1.4 (Your Values and Beliefs), 2.5
(Your Clinical Gestalt), 3.11 (Immediate and
Larger Systems Contexts), 4.3 (Clients I Might
Find Hard to Accept), and 4.4 (Clinical
6BSHS 322 Course Begins Success / bshs322.com
- BSHS 322 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment Report
on a Technique for Creating Behavior Change in a
Client or Staff Member Proposal
- BSHS 322 Week 3 Discussion Question 1
- Describe an open question and a closed question
and identify the uses of each.
- The one page proposal due in Week 2, should
propose the behavior change technique that you
want to write about, a brief description of the
technique and why you want to write about that
technique. You could also include your teams
plan for accomplishing the paper due in week
7BSHS 322 Course Begins Success / bshs322.com
- BSHS 322 Week 3 Discussion Question2
- BSHS 322 Week 3 Individual Assignment
Hypothetical Working Agreement Paper
- What kinds of guidelines does an interviewer need
to conduct a competent staff assessment?
- Refer to Chapter 6, Exercise 6.2 Partializing
(pages 144-145) Chose one of the scenarios
Freydia, Thomas, or Rad. - Using the scenario you chose, create a
hypothetical working agreement using as reference
materials in Chapter 6, Box 6.1 Sample Assessment
8BSHS 322 Course Begins Success / bshs322.com
- BSHS 322 Week 3 Individual Assignment Text
Exercises Journal Entries
- BSHS 322 Week 4 Discussion Question1
- Complete the following exercises in Interviewing
in Action, using your Journal for all exercises
6.1, 6.2, and 6.3. Think about how the readings
and text exercises might have applicability not
only to working directly with clients but also in
a human services management capacity. Submit
- Does changing ones perceptions change ones
behaviors, or vice versa?
9BSHS 322 Course Begins Success / bshs322.com
- BSHS 322 Week 4 Discussion Question 2
- BSHS 322 Week 4 Individual Assignment Text
Exercises Journal Entries
- What are your self-care strategies in times of
- Complete the following exercises in Interviewing
in Action, using your Journal for all exercises
7.1. Develop two or three hunches for each
scenario and explain the basis for your
hunches. In addition, complete exercises 9.1
and 9.3. Submit your Journal entries for this
week on Day 7/Monday
10BSHS 322 Course Begins Success / bshs322.com
- BSHS 322 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment Report
on a Technique for Creating Behavior Change in a
Client or Staff Person Outline
- BSHS 322 Week 5 Discussion Question 1
- How do you deal with unwanted personal questions
in a professional relationship? In a personal
- Week 4 Learning Team Assignments
- Refine and complete the Learning Team Report
Outlineon a Technique for Creating Behavior
Change. The outline is due this week, week 4 and
the final report is due in week five.
11BSHS 322 Course Begins Success / bshs322.com
- BSHS 322 Week 5 Discussion Question 2
- BSHS 322 Week 5 Individual Assignment Human
Service Manager Exercise Paper Reinforce, Refer,
- Review Chapters 10, 11, and 12.
- Many of the communication and interviewing skills
that we have been studying for clients are
applicable for Human Service Managers.
Clinicians have to determine when clients might
need further treatment and support,
- What do you find hard about endings? What do you
like about them?
12BSHS 322 Course Begins Success / bshs322.com
- BSHS 322 Week 5 Individual Assignment Text
Exercises Journal Entries
- BSHS 322 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Report
on a Technique for Creating Behaviour Change in a
Client or Staff Person
- Complete the following exercises in Interviewing
in Action, using your journal 10.1, 10.3. -
- Submit your Journal entries for this week on Day
- Learning Team Forum on Day 7/Monday.
- The final paper which should be between 4 - 7
pages would include a thorough description of the
technique, a review of research addressing the
technique, how you would use the technique, it's
pros and cons,
13BSHS 322 Course Begins Success / bshs322.com
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