Title: Remote Monitoring and Remediation Services
1Remote Monitoring And Remediation
2Managed IT Care Services We Provide
- Maintain 24/7 and look over your entire IT
Environment - Remediate processes and services that fail
- Ensures that data backups are completed
- Identify and analyze server events for potential
problems - Ensure security patches, service packs
anti-virus protocols are up to date.
3Full Service IT Provider
- Better Financial Planning
- Our Team Is Your Team 24/7
- Your System Stays Optimized
- Faster Problem Resolution
4Our Key Elements
- Server Monitoring and Care
- Desktop Monitoring and Care
- Mobile Device Management
- Scheduled Network and Security Assessments
5Remote Monitoring And Remediation Services -
Netsoft Solutions
Increase Your Productivity With Our Proactive
Total IT Care and Cost Effective Solutions
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Contact Us Netsoft Solutions, Inc.1 Bridge
Street, Suite 95Irvington, NY 10533 Phone
800-346-9390 Email info_at_netsoftsolutions.com