Title: Top 10 wrong things badly effects on our health
1Top 10 wrong things badly effects on our health
2Storing Pickles in Plastic Containers
3Store in ceramic and Steel containers
4 Eating heat food in Plastic
Plates/disposable plates
5 Use any metal plate or any Patrali (Plate
made with leaves)
6Drinking Chilled water from Fridge
7Solution Use Mud based Pot
8Cooking recipes with aluminum dishesSolution
Use steel based or brass cookware
9Using vegetables without washing
10Solution We must wash at least 2 times with salt
Or keep vegetables in a bowl and add salt then
keep in that water at least 5 to 10min before
11Rubbing Hairs with Shampoos
12Solution If possible use natural shampoo or
shikakai then rub gently
13Eating spicy food with Cool drink
14SolutionIf necessary to eat spicy food out side
or in our home use Butter Milk.
15Listening the music while walking
16SolutionListen natural sounds or else
concentrate on your body moment while walking
,this improves your walking power and body power.
17Drinking Very Hot Tea or soups
18SolutionJust drink normal warm
19Thanks for watching and for more information
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