Title: Know about Development In Uttar Pradesh By Akhilesh Yadav
1Know aboutDevelopment InUttar Pradesh By
Akhilesh Yadav
21.UP News360
Social Samajwadi
A well-developed web portal with the idea of
providing a window to global audience seeking
info about his state.
32.1090Shakti MobileApplication
Social Samajwadi
Development in Uttar Pradesh via women power line
telephone service will help women to stay safe on
the streets.
Social Samajwadi
The app lets medical officers record maternal and
infant data in real-time and keep record of steps
to lower mother-child death rate.
Social Samajwadi
The app lets the audience connect directly with
Samajwadi Partys social platforms and know about
its events and achievements.
Social Samajwadi
Akhilesh Yadav kicked off the progressive scheme
namely Laptop Yojna to bring about digital
76.OnlineCitizen CentricService
Social Samajwadi
Akhilesh Yadav has made efforts in order to
bridge the gap between the government and his
people via this online service.
8Thank YouforReading.
Social Samajwadi