Title: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) in China
1Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) in China
An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), commonly known
as a drone, as an unmanned aircraft system (UAS),
or by several other names, is an aircraft without
a human pilot aboard. The flight of UAVs may
operate with various degrees of autonomy either
under remote control by a human operator, or
fully or intermittently autonomously, by onboard
computers. UAV was mainly used in military and
civil fields. Global UAV market attracted numerou
s companies and research teams, in 2015, the
global market size was USD16.2 billion, which
involved USD14.3 billion for military UAV, USD0.6
billion for ordinary civil consumption and USD1.3
billion for professional civil consumption.
As the rapid development of UAV, the application
was becoming increasingly diversified. The civil
used UAV will be devoted sharply in the future,
the UAV market size of China will reach RMB42.5
billion in 2024, which included RMB22 billion of
military UAV and RMB20.5 billion of civil UAV.
31)The Aim of Report -To provide readers with compr
ehensive and in-depth understanding of Chinese
UAV industry -To analyze the technology of UAV in
dustry -To analyze the future trend of UAV indus
try -To analyze industrial size of the industry
-To reveal opportunities for UAV industry in Chi
na. 2)Benefit from the Report -Obtain latest inf
o of UAV industry, such as market size, price,
key players, etc. -Discover market potential in
different regional markets -Find out how Chinese
UAV market will change and how your business can
be involved in -Keep informed of your competitors
/their activities in China -Learn about key mark
et drivers, investment opportunity
42. SCOPE OF INVESTIGATION The report will investi
gate Chinese UAV from the following aspects
-Market size -Demand and supply -Segments -Bellwet
her company -Etc. 3. TIME NEEDED 1-2 work weeks
5Table of Contents
- 1 Global UAV Market
- Market Analysis
- Military UAV
- Civil UAV
- 2 UAV in China
- Position
- Development
- Military UAV in China
- Civil UAV in China
6- 3 Demand and Potential of Military UAV in China
- Target Drone
- Unmanned Reconnaissance Aerial Vehicle
- Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle
- 4 Demand and Potential of Civil UAV in China
- Anti-Natural Disaster UAV
- Public Security UAV
- Environmental Monitor UAV
- Meteorological UAV
7Full Report Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) in
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