Title: English Academy
2Voice and Accent Training (American and British)
Aksent conducts Voice and Accent Training
courses for adults and young learners who are
interested to sound like native speakers. These
courses can help you to be understood native
speakers accent and allow you to fully express
yourself. Aksents Voice and Accent training
course is for aspirants who wanted to enrich
their accent from the scratch.
3(No Transcript)
4Course Eligibility
Students should have excellent communication
skills with neutral accent to join the Accent
Training course. Students should take up and pass
a quick diagnostic test to enroll into this
5Course Approach and Outcomes
Voice and Accent Training courses enriched with
practical sessions and usually of one to one
practice exercises. The course is trained by
internationally trained Trainers. The course
trains on intonations and expressions,
vocabulary, voice modulation, transpositions,
phonetics, accent reduction parameters, rate of
speech, linguistic parameters, and
neutralization. The outcome of the course is very
effective as students are allowed to engage on
various interactive sessions with effective
digital support
6Course Includes
Audio support material of Native speakers. (US
and UK Accent) Pronunciation app with online
practice. (UK Accent)
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