Title: Sylwia Majtczak - Experienced Traveler
1Sylwia MajtczakExperienced Traveler
Sylwia Majtczak has worked in the travel industry
since 1997 and has a true passion for getting
outside of her comfort zone and exploring new
places. I've had many fantastic opportunities to
travel to some amazing places, she says when
speaking about the benefits that her role offers
her. Furthermore, her own travel experiences
allow her to provide insight that can often prove
useful to her clients, which allows her to offer
a more comprehensive consulting experience.
Though she has traveled the world as part of her
role as a travel consultant, Sylwia Majtczak has
always stayed fairly settled in the states of New
York and New Jersey when it comes to where she
2Sylwia Majtczak Career Aspirations
Sylwia Majtczak is a Senior Corporate Agent at
Altour and has worked in the travel industry
since 1997. When talking about her career
aspirations she makes it a point to note that she
would like to continue to travel the world and
explore beautiful destinations and cultures. Her
passion for traveling is what drew her to the
industry in the first place and she uses her own
experiences to provide the most comprehensive
travel consulting service possible to her
clients. Sylwia Majtczak has worked in the travel
industry since 1997 and has been a Senior
Corporate Agent at Altour since 2004. I enjoy my
career, she says. I get to work with so many
different people which is one of my favorite
things about it. Also, the job is never mundane.
3Sylwia Majtczak Bilingual Travel Professional
As a travel consultant Sylwia Majtczak brings a
number of different skills to the table. One of
her key qualities is her ability to communicate
with clients from many different backgrounds,
helping them to feel comfortable when making
their travel arrangements and offering useful
advice and insights. She is also bilingual and is
able to speak, read and write in Polish. While
she rarely needs to use these skills in her work,
the fact she can speak another language is often
encouraging to her clients. There is always some
new twist to a trip I am planning which keeps
things interesting. She enjoys the challenges
her work provides and is always happy to meet new
4Sylwia Majtczak Reasons You Should Travel More
- Sylwia Majtczak has worked in the travel industry
since 1997, during which time she has helped many
clients arrange trips that suit their needs and
allow them to experience new things. As an avid
traveler herself, she enjoys going to places that
she has not been to before, often going outside
of her comfort zone in the process. There are
many reasons why you should travel more often,
including the following. - New Food
- Foodies love to travel because it gives them the
opportunity to sample dishes that they may never
have discovered if they didnt step outside of
familiar surroundings. - Seeing Important Landmarks
- There is so much art, architecture, culture in
the world that you would be doing yourself a
disservice if you didnt make an effort to see as
much as possible. - Relieving Stress
- Traveling allows you to get away from the issues
at home that may be causing your stress or
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