Title: What You Need to Know About Bail Bonds
1Bail 2 GO
- Bail Bonds Orlando
- bail2go.com
2Core Services
- Each bail situation is different, thats why Bail
2 GO works with our clients to make certain the
correct bail agreements are set in place. Bail 2
GO pays the fee so that the accused can be
released early. - Our bondsmen charge around 10 of the total
amount of the bond. This figure is set by the
Florida Department of Insurance and is
non-refundable, regardless of the outcome of the
trial. -
3The Bail Bonds Process
The bail bonds process is quite simple. The bail
bonds agency will ask a number of questions, such
as the defendants address and what category
crime of which they are accused. Once these
details have been recorded, a contract will be
drawn up and tailored to the clients situation.
4What You Need to Know About Bail Bonds
After a bail bond contract is agreed upon and
signed, you are given the responsibility of the
defendant appearing in court on the specified
date. If the defendant cannot be located within 8
weeks, the person who signed the contract and the
bail bondsman are obligated to pay the bail
amount in full. Collateral will be forfeited if
it was posted. Luckily, the United States bail
bond skip rate is below 2.
5Contact Us
- Bail 2 GO
- 2911 39th St 700
- Orlando, FL
- 32839
- 4072545554
- info_at_bail2go.com
- https//bail2go.com
- bail2go.com