Title: Bone marrow transplant- Lyfboat
1Bone Marrow Transplant
2What is Bone Marrow Transplant
- Bone marrow transplant can be used to treat
various type of blood related cancers, sickle
cell anaemia, thalassemia etc. Stem cells are the
cells which are undifferentiated and have the
potential to take up the function and form of
desired tissue in our body. There are various
types of stem cells present in our body. Doctors
can extract totipotent cells from the embryo or
from the umbilical cord, these cells have the
ability to for any cell of our body.
3Before the Procedure
- Your doctor will do all the diagnostic tests to
determine if you are the correct candidate for a
transplant. They have to assess the problem or
disease, age, physiological condition etc. - After everything has been confirmed, your doctor
will collect your blood sample and they will
start finding a suitable donor. Doctors have to
be extra cautious while selecting a donor as
there is always a risk of rejection by your body.
4How is it performed
5Step 1 Marrow extraction
This step is important as in this step, marrow
from the donor is collected to begin the process
of transplant. The donor will be taken to the
operation theatre and will lie down on the bed.
He will be given local anaesthesia. The sample
will be collected from one of the big bones as
big bones are rich in red bone marrow which is
required for the transplant. The Doctor will make
a very small incision to introduce an instrument
into the skin and all the way into the bone to
reach the soft marrow. After the instrument has
reached the
bone marrow, a vacuum based syringe is locked at
its end. The syringe is locked at a desired
quantity and the marrow is sucked out and
6Step 2 Sample preperation
If the recipient is not prepared for the
transplant then this process can be delayed for a
suitable time. The collected sample is then
freezed at several degrees below 0 to ensure that
it does not lose its potency. If storing of the
sample is not required then the sample is
processed using various suitable techniques. The
sample is centrifuged to separate the various
components in several layers. As the sample is
made to rotate very fast in a centrifuge machine,
everything gets separated as per their weight
inside the tube. After the sample has been
processed the portion of interest is extracted
and is introduced in the body of recipient.
7Step 3 - Transplant
In this step recipient is prepared for receiving
the graft. If the patient is suffering from some
kind of blood cancer then the patient is treated
with chemotherapy or any other radiation therapy
to kill of all the diseased cells and their stem
cells. Patients usually take some time recover
from the after effects of chemotherapy and that
is one reason that step 2 gets delayed. After
the patient has been prepared for receiving the
graft, the patient is taken to the operation
theatre and the infected bone is exposed or is
made accessible using various sophisticated
instruments. After reaching the marrow of the
affected bone, healthy marrow is injected into
the area to replace the non-functional or faulty
cells. After completion of transplantation, the
wound is closed and dressing is applied. Your
stay in the hospital depends upon the type of
therapy you have undergone.
- You should follow the instructions of your
surgeon carefully to avoid any infection or
complication. It takes time for you to recover
from the surgery and for it to show results. - Your immune system becomes weak and takes time to
rejuvenate itself. You should be careful in
avoiding infections and various other pathogenic
9Potential Risks
The procedure needs to be administered carefully
and utmost care should be taken to avoid clinical
infections. Some complications include anaemia,
bleeding in the lungs, intestines, brain, and
other areas of the body, cataracts, clotting in
the small veins of the liver, damage to the
kidneys, liver, lungs, and heart, delayed growth
in children who receive a bone marrow transplant,
early menopause, graft failure, which means that
the new cells do not settle into the body and
start producing stem cells, graft-versus-host
disease (GVHD), a condition in which the donor
cells attack your own body, infections, which can
be very serious, inflammation and soreness in the
mouth, throat, esophagus, and stomach, called
mucositis, pain, stomach problems, including
diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.
10Know More About Bone Marrow Transplant Visit us
at https//www.lyfboat.com/procedures/bone-marr
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