Title: Laura Motes - Experienced Supervisor
1Laura Motes Experienced Supervisor
Laura Motes is an experienced supervisor who has
considerable experience in law enforcement 21
years of uninterrupted service. During her time
with the force, she showcased a combination of
abilities including leadership and interpersonal
skills, and managed to perform her job
exceptionally well even under the most stressful
conditions. In addition to this, she demonstrated
a high-quality conduct with external customers
and the members of the local community, which is
one of the most important traits any law enforcer
officer can have.ke improvements where necessary.
2Laura Motes Duties and Responsibilities
Laura Motes had a wide array of duties and
responsibilities while working with the
Athens-Clarke County Police Department. These
included monitoring and managing the shifts
patrol activities in the hopes of reducing
criminal activities, reviewing incident reports
in regards to their accuracy, timeliness and
thoroughness, overseeing training and
socialization of new personnel who were assigned
to these shifts, preparing applicable
correspondence including letters, bulletins and
electronic mail, as well as handling the
investigation of assigned complaints. After
finishing school, she joined the United States
Army where she would complete the Military Police
Corp Officer Basic Course, in McClellan, Alabama,
setting up a career in law enforcement.
3Laura Motes Professional Qualifications
The professional development of Laure Motes is
excessive and worthy of praise. Her
qualifications include a Management Level I
qualification from October 2009, a Management
Level II from August 2012, and a Management Level
III from 2013 September. In addition to these,
she has Supervision Level I, II and III, a
Leadership in Police Organizations qualification,
and she also completed a Crisis Intervention
Training program in 2004, alongside a Supervisory
Certification Program and a Supervisory Training
4Laura Motes A Devoted Animal Lover
Laure Motes is a devoted animal lover who not
only enjoys watching animals in the wild, but
actually supports their wellbeing and the
preservation of their environment through various
organizations. As a big believer in the adopt,
dont shop principle, she frequently supports
no-kill shelters that not only take in stray dogs
and cats from the streets, but also help them
find new and loving homes where they can finally
get the life that they all deserve. Plants and
animals have less and less of their natural
habitat to themselves. If you plant local
species, you help them out just a little bit,
providing them the valuable living-space they can
thrive in. Laura Motes is an avid gardener who
always tries to plant native species in an effort
to support the local ecology.
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