Title: HRM 548 ASSIST Perfect Education/hrm548assist.com
1HRM 548 ASSIST Perfect Education/hrm548assist.com
- www.hrm548assist.com
2HRM 548 Entire Course FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.hrm548assist.com HRM 548 Week 1
Assignment New Health Medical Systems Memo HRM
548 Week 2 Assignment InterClean-EnviroTech
Merger Memo
3HRM 548 Week 1 Assignment New Health Medical
VISIT www.hrm548assist.com New Health Medical
Systems Memo Read the New Health Medical Systems
Scenario in the electronic reading reserves area.
4HRM 548 Week 2 Assignment InterClean-EnviroTech
Merger Memo FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.hrm548ass
ist.com InterCleanEnviro Tech MergerMemo
Review the following document to understand the
issues that need to be addressed in the
memo InterClean EnviroTech Merger Scenario on
your rEsource page.
5HRM 548 Week 3 Recruitment and Selection Strategy
Draft FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.hrm548assist.co
m Develop a draft of the Recruitment and
Selection Strategy portion of the Recruitmentand
Selection Strategy/Rewards andCompensation Plan
6HRM 548 Week 4 Assignment Forward Style Inc.
Employee Policy Memo FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.hrm548assist.com D Forward Style
Inc. Employee Policy Memo You have been hired as
the HR manager for a marketing company, Forward
Style Inc., with 65 employees. Your first item of
business is to evaluate the companys rewards
program to determine
7HRM 548 Week 5 Assignment Staffing System
Management Memo FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.hrm548assist.com Review the following
two documents in the Course Materials forum to
understand how the memo is graded Week 5 Grading
Rubric for Memo Memo Format Guidelines for Course
8HRM 548 Week 6 Assignment Recruitment and
Selection Strategy Rewards and Compensation
Plan FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.hrm548assist.com
Review the following two documents in the
Course Materials forum to understand how the memo
is graded Week 6 Grading Rubric for Memo Memo
Format Guidelines for Course Assignments
9HRM 548 ASSIST Perfect Education/hrm548assist.com
- www.hrm548assist.com