Title: Best SEO Search Tricks And Services
1Search Engine Optimization
- Advanced Google Search Tricks
2Get Instant Answers
- Google gives small, but useful facilities that
sometimes you dont even need to open any tool
from your laptop or desktop. - Yes, it will be next to search results or even
your browsers address bar. - Check out these tricks
3Basic Math Calculation
- You can directly enter text calculations like
- 2 (34)/2 - 5
4Specific Calculator
- Scientific calculator
- Tip calculator
5Advance Calculator
- ltfirst unitgt to ltsecond unitgt
- You can convert currency, area, speed, time,
energy, mass, frequency, volume many more
Best SEO Services Provider
7Travel City information
- Find tickets on www.google.com/flights
- Enter ltcitygt to ltcitygt and trip.
- It will show you all possible flights with ticket
Best SEO Services Provider
8Current Time
- You can find current time of any country.
Best SEO Services Provider
9Distance between 2 cities
- You can get the information on distance between
two cities. - ltcitygt to ltcitygt distance.
Best SEO Services Provider
10Drag Drop Searches
- Drag an image from your computer or a web page to
the search box at https//images.google.com
Best SEO Services Provider
11Googles Search Tools
- The searchs result page contains tools to
further narrow down your search.
Best SEO Services Provider
12Googles Search Tools
- Type of information by specific media types
- All
- Images
- Videos
- More
- Search tools
Best SEO Services Provider
13Googles Search Tools
You can find extra using Search Tool at the
last in the menu with any previous menu items.
Best SEO Services Provider
14Search Internationally
Do you want to use country neutral
Google? http//google.com/ncr
Best SEO Services Provider
15Search Operators
Surround a phrase in double quotes to search for
exact matches
Search within a range of numbers, for ex 2..5
Placeholder for an unknown keyword
Use before word to exclude it from search results
Best SEO Services Provider
If you want to promote your business and increase
sales revenue, then hire best SEO services from
us and explore new opportunities
- Address Adit Microsys Pvt. Ltd.
- 502 Shapath II, Opp Rajpath Club,
- S G Road, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat
India. - Email web_at_aditmicrosys.com
- Contact 91 79 66613045, 46, 47
- Web www.aditmicrosys.com/request-for-propos
17Connect with us
- Twitter https//twitter.com/aditmicrosys
- Facebook https//www.facebook.com/aditmicrosys
- LinkedIn https//www.linkedin.com/company/adit-m
icrosys-pvt-ltd- - Google https//plus.google.com/AditMicrosysadi