Title: Eyelash Extensions
1Knowing the Rewards and Risks of Getting Eyelash
ExtensionsThere are dozens of makeup tricks and
tips available out there, but when it comes to
people who have sparse or short eyelashes, all of
those eyelash curlers and mascara wands can be a
bit overwhelming to say the least. What is the
reason why many women still use these things even
though they know that it can be a pretty tedious
process? The answer is because they want to have
longer looking eyelashes. If you still want to
get those long eyelashes that you have always
dreamed of, then you should go with eyelash
extensions because they are a great and long
lasting alternative.These extensions allow you
to add more depth and volume to your natural
lashes, and they are usually applied
individually. Unlike false eyelashes, these
extensions are applied with a special glue and
if done properly, they will feel like natural
eyelashes. Before you add any extensions to your
eyelashes, there are a few important things that
you need to know first.Only Have Them Done by a
Professional Applying eyelash extensions may
sound like an easy thing to do, but youd be
surprised to know just how difficult this entire
process can be. Just because one of your friends
tells you that he or she was able to the process
without any help doesnt mean that you should
follow in his or her footsteps. Applying it using
the wrong technique has some consequences as it
can cause your eyes to become irritated and you
may even risk losing your natural lashes as
well.Always let a professional do it for you so
that you can have your eyelash extensions applied
on you in the safest and most effective way
possible.It is a Long Process You will need to
have a whole lot of patience as this is a very
long process. We are talking about a procedure
that could take up to 3 hours to complete. This
also happens to be a good thing because this
ensures that the salon specialist does not make
any mistakes while the lash extensions are being
applied on you. You can learn more by going to