Title: Real Happiness of Life
1The real Happiness of life is helping others
educate and learn!
2Mahatma Gandhi once said, Happiness of life is
when what you think, what you say and what you do
are in harmony. People have become so busy in
their daily personal and professional lives that
they are just running after things.
3In the daily run, happiness has been left
somewhere behind and the sad part is that people
dont take measures towards improving the
situation. Probably they are either not realizing
this or they dont have a proper guidance.
4But theres something that we, as humans, need to
understand. Happiness of Life is not about
earning more or owning big house and a luxury
car, but is about helping those who arent so
fortunate. We must not crib about our lifestyle
and the things that we are blessed with in life,
because there are many who dont have even that
and dream of living your life. India is the
second most populated country in the world, where
not everyone is fortunate enough to get educated
and learn more. Theres talent in every home, all
they need is a little help and a platform.
5Being able to help others, we must not ignore
them. Always remember, whatever you do, will come
back to you. Therefore, you should stop being so
cruel to other people. Education is the strongest
weapon we could use to change the world.
Education is not preparation for life,
education is life itself. Educating the mind,
without educating the heart, is no education at
all. Education is not about knowing about
something, but it is the ability to differentiate
between whats right and whats wrong.
6Learning is a never-ending process. Every person
that you would meet in your knows Life something
that you dont. We must not hesitate ourselves
from sharing the education and knowledge we have.
By sharing we are not just helping someone know
more about something, but are also helping the
nation develop by contributing our part.
7We must always provide a helping hand for those
who need it. To help the poor children, who you
might come across at the traffic signals in your
city, begging for money, you can give them books,
or food, or even your old clothes, that you might
have thrown away otherwise, and bring a broad
smile on the innocent faces.
8Address Royal Festival Hall, Southbank Center,
London SE1 8XX, UK Telephone
07542 937 908 Email meaningoflife91_at_gmail.com
Website http//www.meaningoflife.life/campaign