Title: France christmas <33
1Cest Noël!
2Cest le premier décembre!
3Cest le premier décembre! Children take out
their advent calendars! Traditionally, children
create their own calendar or have a handcrafted
one that they re-use every year, and fill with
quality sweets and chocolates.
4Every town and city put huge efforts in
decorating main roads and streets with Christmas
5People like to go out in town to look at the
decorations and window displays!
6Families stroll in the streets and buy treats
such as hot chestnuts, pretzels, mulled wine,
ginger bread and chocolates! There is a huge
tradition of master chocolatiers in France and
they have mouth-watering window displays!
7In North and Eastern France, Christmas markets
open their doors. The most famous one is in
Strasbourg, in Eastern France!
8Cest le six décembre!
9In Eastern France, we celebrate Saint Nicolas,
the St Patron of Lorraine. Children leave their
shoes out by the chimney and St Nicolas leaves an
orange, ginger bread and a small present to
children who have been good. Le Père Fouettard
The whip man delivers a whip and coal to
naughty children!
Cest le six décembre!
10The city of Nancy organises a two-day celebration
with processions, floats, street performers,
bands and acrobatic shows, as well as one of the
most spectacular fireworks show in France, always
on the Place Stanislas, a huge town square where
hundreds of thousands of people gather to watch!
11Cest le huit décembre!
12Cest le huit décembre! The city of Lyon
celebrate la fête des lumières! People display
candles on their window sills and the town puts
on magnificient light displays!
13Les crèches Nativity scenes
It is a tradition to collect little terracotta
characters for homes nativity displays they are
called santons and are hand-crafted in the South
of France.
Towns, cities and villages also put on a public
nativity scene! Some are very creative, and
14Cest le vingt-quatre décembre!
15On Christmas Eve, shops open until about 7pm and
everyone rushes out of work to buy last minute
presents and fresh food for Christmas Eve and
Christmas Day.
Cest le vingt-quatre décembre!
16Cest le vingt-quatre décembre! People gather in
families around the Christmas tree for le
réveillon Christmas Eve dinner! They eat
seafood, followed by meat, and, preceded by many
different starters, such as salmon and foie gras.
17La bûche de Noël
Traditionally on Christmas eve, there are a
variety of desserts like dried and exotic fruits,
nuts, biscuits, marzipan and chocolates, and the
Christmas yule log.
18La Messe de Minuit Some people go to church for
Midnight Mass after Christmas Eve dinner. At
midnight, we sing Il est né le divin enfant.
Les Petits Chanteurs à la Croix de Bois sing on
19Some children get their presents on Christmas Eve
and others on Christmas Day.
20Cest le vingt-cinq décembre!
Joyeux Noël!
21On Christmas Day, families share another big
meal. It usually lasts all afternoon!
Traditionally people eat turkey or another
poultry with chestnuts.
22Cest le trente-et-un décembre!
23There are fireworks display around major
monuments in Paris. The most spectacular is near
the Eiffel Tower!
At the stroke of midnight the Eiffel Tower starts
twinkling! It takes 20,000 light bulbs to light
it up!
Bonne Année!
Cest le trente-et-un décembre!
People celebrate New Years Eve at home, or at
the restaurant, and other venues It is another
big meal, followed by some dancing!
24Cest le premier janvier!
Bonne Année!
25On January the first, people visit families and
friends to wish each other happy new year!
26French people dont give Christmas cards, but in
January, they send friends, families and
colleagues cards to wish them a happy new year!
27Cest le six janvier!
La Fête des rois!
28On the closest Sunday to 6 January, we eat a
special cake to celebrate the arrival of the wise
La galette des rois, is a frangipane (almond
paste) filled pie traditionally eaten in Northern
La couronne des rois (South)
29La galette des rois has a little terracotta
character called, une fève. The person who finds
it in its slice of pie, is crowned the king or
queen for the day!
30The game they play (Quiz)
31Les réponses
On what date do we celebrate St Nicolas?
6 December
Which French city is renowned for its Christmas
What happens in the city of Lyon on 8 December?
The festival of lights la fête des lumières.
What days do French children open their presents?
6 / 24 / 25 December
Name three desserts eaten for Christmas in France.
Nuts / dried fruits / exotic fruits / marzipan /
chocolate / yule log
Shops are closed on 24 December. True or False?
What is a typical dish eaten at Christmas in
Turkey with chestnuts Seafood Salmon Cheese
How many light bulbs does it take to make the
Eiffel Tower twinkle?
True or False? The French dont send Christmas
True. They send new year greetings!
What can you be for the day on 6 January if you
find une fève in your pie ?
The king or queen.
42Joyeux Noël Et Bonnes vacances!