Title: Dr Atul Goel Kem Hospital,Dr Atul Goel Neurosurgeon
1Dr atul goel , dr atul goel lilavati hospital
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3dr atul goel Mumbai, dr atul goel neurosurgeon
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5About Dr atul goel
In the course of his career, Dr Atul Goel KEM
Hospital has held editorial positions in various
boards of medical journals with national and
international repute. His significant publication
record of fifty chapters in various books and
periodicals on Neurosurgery and around 477
publications in peer reviewed journals is indeed
noteworthy. Dr. Goel has also shared 150 original
and personal surgical techniques which have been
published in various international journals.
6dr atul goel Mumbai, dr atul goel neurosurgeon
7Know more information Please click here
http//www.dratulgoel.com/ http//atulgoelneurosur
geon.com/ https//dratulgoellilavatihospital1.word