Title: Branding on Clothes
1Branding on Clothes
Branding is a term in which special symbol, i.e.
logo, etc. are marked on different objects for
the purpose of business or product promotion.
Branding on clothes is very common in the current
market. There are 3 major techniques for branding
on clothes.
Embroidery uses thread literally stitched onto
the garment. It gives a slight 3D touch and also
make it look professional.
4Heat Transfer
Digital heat transfer make use of plastic
backing, where the image is transferred. It gives
the garment a digital look. It can also be used
for designs and photos while using a lot of hues.
5Screen Printing
Screen printing makes use of the ink. This ink is
applied on the garment and is dried then. It goes
well for inking large logos giving a high impact.
6Contact us
190 Townshend Road Subiaco, WA
08 9378 3765