Title: Dating Tips For Every College Student
1Dating Tips For Every College Student
Free Powerpoint Templates
2College is the best time to experience new things
in life. Online dating sites are great ways to
meet new people, especially when youre
teenager. Follow for the next slide for the
3Dont Be Afraid To Make a First Move
4First Move Ask him/her out if youre very much
interested in.
5Dont Get into a Relationship Too Quickly
College should be about dating and fun
6If you find the person you feel like you want to
spend your life with, thats a bonus! But, dont
make it your top priority.
7Dont Give Up On Love Its important to not shy
away from love if it happens
8If you find yourself truly in love with someone
youve met, dont push that away!
9Dont Fret Over Break-Ups Its okay to take some
time to yourself, and get over to that specific
10Dont allow any breakup to take over months of
your life when you can do better things to make
the most of your time.
11Discover Yourself before getting into a serious
relationship, is to learn to love yourself and
figure out who you really are, and what you want.
12College is the perfect time to explore those
sides of yourself, and think about what you
really want in your life
13Dont Date For The Sake of Others You dont need
to date anyone just because your friends and
others are dating someone.
14You should start dating only when you are
perfectly ready for it.
15Stay Happy and Keep Dating
- Whether you keep dating casual or get into a
serious relationship, you can use these tips to
make the most of your entire college dating
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