Title: Wedding Rings In Perth – Jewellery Design Studio
1Wedding Rings In Perth Jewellery Design Studio
2About Jewellery Design Studio
Jewellery Design Studio is leading Jewellery
Designers located in Joondalup, Perth creating
custom designed diamond engagement rings, wedding
rings and diamond jewellery for over 15 years.
3Our Services
- At Jewellery Design Studio, you will talk to the
people who are instrumental in bringing your
jewellery piece to life Designers, Jewellers,
Gemmologists and Valuers no juniors. We
understand that with such important purchases our
customers need accurate knowledge and direct
information to make an informed choice .Custom
Design - Remodelling
- Valuations
- Repairs
4Wedding Rings
We offer full range of diamond wedding rings
available from Jewellery Design Studio at
Joondalup, Perth. You can shop wedding rings
online which is immediately available for purchase
5Wedding Rings
6Customise Your Wedding Rings
Wedding is one of the special events in our
lives. We offer the opportunity to have an
wedding ring designed in front of you with one of
our highly skilled designers.. Our designers are
trained to listen and interpret that dream piece
and bring it to reality. Get customised wedding
ring in Perth from us and make your wedding more
7Contact Us
Boulevard, Joondalup WA 6027Phone 618 9301
4077 or 618 9468 0171Fax 618 9301 4177Skype
jdstudioperthEmail info_at_jdstudio.com.au Website