Title: Psychological Disability Service Center
1Psychological Disability Service Center
- Here at PDSC our group of clinical psychologists
focuses on ways to alleviate and deal with
stress-related disabilities.
2Specializing in Emotional Support Animal
- Here at PDSC our group of clinical psychologists
focus on ways to alleviate and deal with stress
related disabilities. - Our primary goal is to increase quality of life
through therapy, self analysis, and enacting
positive change. - Our practice specializes in emotional support
animal treatment for a variety of psychological
disorders, and we believe strongly in the
positive effects of ESA's (Emotional Support
3Here at PDSC we understand that many Americans
deal with a variety of psychological ailments,
many of which go without treatment.  Â
We focus on assisting those with psychological
disabilities through online, phone, and in person
assessments. In many cases our clinical
psychotherapists prescribe emotional support
animals to help alleviate a wide spectrum of
conditions. Â
All of our clinical psychotherapists are licensed
and ESA letters are valid.
4ESA Travel Housing Letters From Licensed
Therapist (No Expiration)
ESA means 'Emotional Support Animal', and almost
anyone can have an ESA, which works similarly to
support dogs. Any animal species can be an ESA
(rabbits, cats, birds, dogs, etc.).Â
These two letters can be used for
1.) Free airline air travel, and special seating
considerations 2.) No pet deposit requirements
when renting 3.) Allowance of your pet in 'No
Pet' rental properties 4.) Access for your pet on
cruise lines, taxis, restaurants, stores, etc.
If you think an emotional support animal may help
you with a psychological condition, contact us
today to get started.
Visit us _at_ https//www.pdscenter.com
2131 Sawyer Drive 4, Niagara Falls, NY
14304Call Us _at_ Tel (800) 925-2182