Title: Leading Criminal Lawyers In Victorian
1Call 1300 331 331
Leading Criminal Lawyers In Victorian
2About Melbourne Australian Criminal Lawyers
Melbourne Australian Criminal Lawyers is
Australian's leading criminal defence lawyers,
sharing knowledge and resources to give you the
best representation and the best possible
result. Our experienced defence lawyers can
represent you whether you are pleading guilty or
not guilty. Melbourne criminal defence
lawyers appear in all Melbourne and Victorian
3Victorian Criminal Lawyers
- We represent clients charged with criminal
offences and specialise in defending all matters
including - Sexual Offences
- Drugs
- Theft
- Burglary
- Assault
- Violence
- Drink Driving
- Traffic Offences and much more!
4Victorian Criminal Lawyers
Our Victorian criminal lawyers have acted as
defence lawyers in over 10,000 separate criminal
prosecutions Our clients range from the very
high profile including politicians, Police
Officers, CEOs of publicly listed companies to
small business owners and their employees. We
pride ourselves on giving 100 for every client
regardless of what they have been charged with.
5Victorian Criminal Lawyers
Bill Doogue
Brent Casey
Kate Ballard
Kristina Kothrakis
Josh Taaffe
Amelia Ramsay
Dee Giannopoulos
6Contact Us
- Melbourne Australian Criminal Lawyers
- Phone 1300 331 331
- Visit Melbourne.australiancriminallawyers.com.au