Title: Superior Medical Interior Design
1La Healthcare Design
2Who We Are.?
Mitra Pakdaman is the founder of LA Healthcare
Design, a Los Angeles-based interior design
- Mitra received the bulk of her interior design
experience at the award-winning company HLW.
- LA Healthcare Design is creating
state-of-the-art healthcare facilities locally
and internationally.
- La healthcare design providing you world-class
interior design services in medical field
- We are serving beverly hills and surrounding areas
3What We Offer
1. Healthcare Interior Designs
2. Medical Interior Desings
3. Optometry Office Design
4. Hospital Designs
5. Clinics Designs
5. Dental Office Desing
4Optometry Office Design
Get Modular design for the modern workplace,
Revolutionary design to create a genuine 'talking
point' in the office with optometry office design
from La health.
5Medical Interior Design
Bring La healthcare and make your interiors look
incredible and beautiful! Get healing work places
with our splendid medical interior designs.
6Healthcare Interior design
7Dental Office Interior
Brighter the smiles with the most innovative
dental office interior designs from La health,
Specialized in unique dental clinics design.
LA Healthcare Design
Call 310-614-4402
9437 S Santa Monica Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90210,
United States Beverly Hills