Title: Funny Short Stories - Chronicous
Chronicous is a story based site you can find
online Funny short stories, Funny stories, Short
stories for kids and also you can submit your
short stories.
2This is a story from a few years back.. So I grew
up in a non-English speaking country, and the
main character in this story, my grandma, didn't
speak any (at least to my knowledge).
3I peed my pants!! Ok, so I am a lady that has
given birth. Squeezing a big baby out of your
stomach, apart from being excruciatingly painful,
also causes all kinds of complications for a
woman. Or at least it did to me. For instance, I
need to cross my legs when I sneeze, cough or
laugh really hard. Otherwise I wet myself. This
is my sneezing story.
4I hate my fuking teacher! I had a chat
yesterday with an old friend from university
called Neil and was reminded of this funny
story. Neil and I had a common friend who hated
our math teacher Martens. Neil and I had no
issues with him, but our friend was of a very
different opinion.
5He got two ladies pregnant - then they gave birth
on the same day at the same hospital!!! This is
a true story from my early adulthood involving a
friend of mine. This person (lets call him
Markus) was one of the wild kids, always full of
energy and always the center of attention.