Title: Jamie Higdon - A Solo Male Vocalist
1Jamie Higdon
2Whenever you are looking for the best musical
journey, there is only one name for you to rely
upon, and that is of Jamie Higdon, the ultimate
winner in this field of contemporary music.
3Jamie Higdon
- Songwriter, Guitar and Piano Player
4Jamie Higdon is a solo male vocalist, songwriter,
guitar and piano player. Jamie, originally from
Alabama, grew up in a musical family and started
playing piano at age 4 and recently moved to
Nashville to pursue his dream. He writes country,
christian and adult contemporary music from the
5Jamie is one of the most talented piano players
to hit the scene in a very long time. Jamie has
songs released on iTunes, Google Play and
Elsewhere on the web. Jamie can be seen weekly at
BB Kings in Nashville performing his Dinner Music
show of legends such as Billy Joel, Elton John,
Ray Charles and many more! Jamie has his music
available on iTunes, Amazon, Google Play,
Spottily and Rhapsody! "Thanks for supporting.
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