Title: Ampac's MRE Pouch Innovation Serves NASA International Space Station
1Ampac's MRE Pouch Innovation Serves NASA
International Space Station
1888 Press Release - Ampac, a division of
ProAmpac, the world's leader in creative
packaging solutions, announces an improved MRE
pouch innovation for the International Space
Station. Ampac, a division of ProAmpac, the
world's leader in creative packaging solutions,
announces an improved MRE pouch innovation for
the International Space Station. Ampac has been
a producer of MRE (Meals Ready to Eat) retort
pouches for the US military for many years.
Because of the quality and functionality of these
pouches, Ampac is now supplying them to NASA for
use on the International Space Station. The
Ampac retort pouches are used in NASA's
thermostabilized pouch processing program. NASA
produces over 50 different thermostabilized
entrees, side dishes and desserts for use in the
International Space Station food system. Due to
the high quality and long shelf life of the MRE
pouches, it is the perfect application for
astronauts on the Space Station. According to
NASA (spaceflight.nasa.gov), "Thermostabilized
foods are heat processed to destroy deleterious
microorganisms and enzymes." The stabilized food
is packed in the MRE retort pouches, heated and
eaten directly from the pouch by the astronauts.
"Ampac is proud to support the NASA space
program by providing MRE pouches to the space
station. It is an exciting use of the retort MRE
pouch that we have been making for years," said
Millie Nuno, ProAmpac's Director of
Marketing. About Ampac Ampac is a division of
ProAmpac and is part of the U.S. Flexibles
Division. Ampac drives packaging transformation
and performance by creating packages that are
more innovative, progressive and dynamic than
those used by competitive brands. Ampac's
comprehensive approach to packaging is a balance
of rigorous, technology-driven thinking and
exceptional creativity.
2About ProAmpac ProAmpac is steadfast in their
unwavering commitment to provide creative
packaging solutions, industry-leading customer
service and award-winning innovation to a diverse
global marketplace. It is a diversified global
packaging company with over 2,500 employees and
18 manufacturing centers in North America, Europe
and Asia. For more information, visit our website
at http//www.ProAmpac.com. Please forward
inquiries to ProAmpac 12025 Tricon
Rd Cincinnati, OH 45246 Phone (513)
671-1777 Fax (513) 671-2920 Email general ( _at_
) ampaconline dot com http//www.ampaconline.com