Title: Benefits of Spinal Decompression - PremierMedGroup
1Benefits of Spinal Decompression - PremierMedGroup
- In our youth, our vertebrae have fluid between
them within disks that work as a cushion between
each vertebra to protect them. However, as we
age, the amount of fluid the disks retain begins
to diminish, reducing the amount of protection
our back has. This is why people typically lose
some of their height as they age. It also
increases the risk of back injuries. Since our
spine is the support system for our body,
naturally it is vital we keep it in the best
shape we can. This is where spinal decompression
comes into play.
3Doctors use spinal decompression for a variety of
back issues, including but not limited to
- Diseased or injured spinal nerve roots
- Back and neck pain
- Bulging or herniated disks
- Sciatica (pain, tingling, or weakness that
travels down one or both legs) - Worn spinal joints
- Degenerative disk disease
4Doctors use spinal decompression for a variety of
back issues, including but not limited to
- Diseased or injured spinal nerve roots
- Back and neck pain
- Bulging or herniated disks
- Sciatica (pain, tingling, or weakness that
travels down one or both legs) - Worn spinal joints
- Degenerative disk disease
5- One main benefit that spinal decompression offers
over surgical options is that it eliminates the
recovery process associated with surgery. It also
allows one to avoid other complications that can
arise from surgery, such as infection, pain,
blood clots, fatigue, and more. With spinal
decompression, there is no recovery time. You do
the treatment, then are able to go on your way
immediately after. In fact, many of the benefits
that spinal decompression offers are immediate.
6Contact Us
Premier Physical MedicinePearland,
TX281-400-1819Contact Us
Premier ChiropracticPearland, TX281-741-1409Con
tact Us
Peak VitalityGreenwood Village,
CO720-504-8007 Contact Us
Read complete study athttp//premiermedgroup.org