Title: Importance of Happiness in Our Life
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Importance of Happiness in Our Life
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07542 937 908
The state of mind is a deciding factor between
happiness and sadness. Our surrounding atmosphere
plays a key role.
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It is true for all of us happiness is an aim of
life. Everything that we strive for is ultimately
for the purpose of giving us happiness. Seldom do
we enquire the nature of this happiness
introspection is the need of the hour.
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Finding happiness in life by yourself 1. Be
strong and optimistic. 2. Give yourself
reasons to smile. 3. Follow your instincts.
4. Be generous and compassionate. 5. Learn how
to forgive others. 6. Do the things that make
you happy.
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A happy life is a one with contentment,
positivity, and with loved ones. A life where
problems would never bother you and you'll never
feel lonely. A life where failures couldn't pull
you down. You learn to stand again and you
accomplish what you wanted to. A happy life will
always be full positive energy. An optimistic
person will always be a happy one.
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We will know true happiness in life when we are
receptive and observant of all that goes around
us and learn to see beauty in everything. Because
happiness is a state of mind that can be created
with a conscious effort and is not something that
can be found outside but stems from within.
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Address Royal Festival Hall, Southbank Center,
London SE1 8XX, UK Telephone
07542 937 908 Email meaningoflife91_at_gmail.com
Website http//www.meaningoflife.life/campaigns/