Title: Lawforu-Legal Services
- Talk to me! I promise I can help you
2 About
Mr. SAI KRISHNA AZAD is a famous lawyer from
Hyderabad. He has fought and won many cases in
many areas such human rights, criminal, divorce
many more. Â He is not only performing in High
court, but also in some other courts in India. He
is handling the qualified professional teams and
he is working with legal practitioners all over
3 Our Services
- Name Change
- Family Cases
- Criminal Law Cases
- Property Law
- Adoption Name Change
- Notary and Deeds
- Promissory Note Law
- Violation Of Human Rights
4 Name Change
Nowadays, most of the people change their name
for some reasons. The name change process
includes lots of paper work, court work and
restrictions. Whether you can hire our service we
handle everything about your case. We are change
your name within few day in the legally form. The
important thing you have to do after hire our
service that will be the co-operation.
5 Family Cases
The family counseling is one of the types of the
counseling which can be works under the Family
Law Act. This will help to manage and offer
better result to the family. Most of the family
counseling cases are created for the
misunderstanding and ego in the relationship, ego
problem, child custody, issues in the marriage
and some of the other types of the problems.
6 Criminal Law Cases
- Indian penal code is a major criminal code of
India which is a comprehensive code planned to
cover all the substantive benefits of criminal
law. We have to regarded as damaging to citizens
or society as a whole is also marked as crime as
well as we made punishable. We have many several
types as well as its vast but most of cases are
handled with all the section in IPC. We are
treats rape as a criminal offence.
7 Property Law
There are numerous people involved in the
acquisition of a new home, the consumer, the
vendor, the mortgage lender, the inspector and
the real property agent. However, one of the
integral offerings you also want to get whilst
shopping for or purchasing a house in Hyderabad
is the services supplied by way of a actual
estate attorney. It is not always remarkable for
Hyderabad dwellers to experience problems while
purchasing or promoting a residence.
8 Divorce Law
We are vast experience in this field to divorce
cases to provide the better solution for the
people who are suffered such problem in the life.
Our divorce lawyer is ready to work on major
problem to provide better solution for the
customer. The cost of divorce instances are
numerous and they'll depend upon some of
different factors that could encompass among
others whether or not your divorce is contested.Â
9 Adoption Name
Adoption is a legal process which assigns the
permanent rights to the adoptive parents. It
means caring for and also providing guidance to
the child through their growing years. Adoption
is a process which involves making a permanent
adoption name change in the status of child
either in terms of legal or religious. Some
societies have enacted specific laws governing
adoption, where others have tried to do adopt
through contracts.
10 Notary and Deeds
- A notary is a lawyer or person with the legal
training and those who was licensed by the
government to perform in legal affairs. It is a
form that the notaries profession takes varies
with different legal systems. Most common law
systems are having a notary public. A public
official those who notarizes legal documents as
well as who can use those tasks. It is also known
as a signing agent or loan signing agent.
11 Promissory Note Law
Human rights in India are an issue complicated by
Countrys large size, numerous diversity, status
as a developing country and a sovereign, secular
and democratic public. We want to discuss
violation of human rights. The constitution of
India provides for fundamental rights which
include freedom of religion. Clauses also provide
freedom of speech as well as separation of
executives and judiciary and freedom of movement
within the Country and abroad.
12 Lawyer Registration
You can now be our advocate Register by
following this link http//www.lawforu.com/lawyer-
13 Overview
A professional firm for law has been handled by
Mr. Sai Krishna Azad. He is a legal case handler
and has been practicing for 30 years at the high
court of Hyderabad. He is not only performing in
High court, but also in some other courts in
India. He is handling the qualified professional
teams and he is working with legal practitioners
all over India. He has been communicating with
the higher level lawyers at the Supreme Court in
various complicated cases. He shared his
experiences in various media programs like Nyaaya
Vedika. His teamed service was several times
encouraged for his successful arguments in
various complicated cases. You can find many
lawyers in Hyderabad, but you cannot see the
achievements as done by Mr Sai Krishna Azad. He
is not only restricted for any particular case.
He is responsible to handle any kinds of cases
such as human rights, divorce, criminal and etc.
He has record of winning in various cases. If you
want to win in your case, then you should
initially approach him.Whatever may be the issue
as mentioned previous, you can contact him. He
has fought and won against various higher level
lawyers in many cases.
14 Contact Us
1-8-02/19/A3, Opp. Nandini Hotel Near
Shankermutt, Nallakunta Hyderabad. Email
support_at_lawforu.com Phone91 994 809 0355