Title: Dr. Andrew Campbell of Bellevue, NE - Team Leader
1Dr. Andrew Campbell of Bellevue, NE Team Leader
Andrew Campbell, a Strategic Integration and
Policy Planner in Bellevue, NE, works as a
Department of Defense Military Analyst as Team
Leader. Dr. Campbell develops national and
international counter-terrorism policy, strategic
plans, and other solution sets for solution sets
for Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction
(CWMD). Dr. Campbell has also authored numerous
respected publications on various counter
terrorism and global political issues.
2Dr. Andrew Campbell of Bellevue, NE Job-Related
Andrew Campbell Bellevue Ne is a Department of
Defense Strategic Integration and Policy Planner
who resides in Bellevue, NE. In addition to his
Doctorate in Global Leadership and his Master of
Diplomacy in International Conflict Management,
Campbell has conducted in-depth job-related
training on counter terrorism, Weapons of Mass
Destruction, the effects of non-states on
international conflict and government leadership
seminar. Two such training experiences include a
Collaborative Leadership Seminar in April of 2011
and Joint Professional Military Education (Phase
Two) in November of 2010.
3Dr. Andrew Campbell of Bellevue, NE Skilled
Governmental Speaker
Andrew Campbell is a Strategic Integration and
Policy Planner employed by the Department of
Defense in Bellevue, NE. He is a governmental
speaker who has given presentations in numerous
countries since 2011, when he delivered
Personality Characteristics of International
Leaders for the International Leadership
Association in London, UK. His presentations
since then have taken him to The Hague,
Netherlands Glasgow, England Montreal, Canada
and several United States locations.
4Dr. Andrew Campbell of Bellevue, NE Published
International Author
Andrew Campbell is a published international
author who currently works for the Department of
Defense in Bellevue, NE, as a Strategic
Integration and Policy Planner. His publications
comprise of international journals such as the
International Journal for Servant Leadership, the
International Journal of Economics, Commerce, and
Management and the International Journal of
Social Science Research on multiple occasions.
Dr. Campbell published a book chapter in the
Promoting Global Peace and Civic Engagement
called Leadership Education in Transitional
Justice developed an innovative leadership and
training model for global leaders and
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