Title: Importance of moral value in our life
107542 937 908
Importance of moral value in our life
2Well, Moral values of life are the essential
building blocks of our character and nature and
the sum total of our character and our nature is
what we all are as human beings.
3They are the very basis of a distinction between
a human being and other creatures,and also it has
lifted our species above its origin.
4Some Moral values of life Respect all.
Live and let live. Be truthful to
yourself. Do what you feel is right and not
what others want you to. Be ethical.
Value other's time
5Moral Values in life give us a sense of
understanding things and enabling us to choose
between what is right and what is wrong. A man
without moral values is like a lost ball in the
high weeds.There are different aspects of moral
values and usually, a person with high morality
is the one who encourages and promotes humanity.
6Every individual do have some moral value. We are
not the judge to decide that. The time has
changed and way of thinking has been changed with
the technical advancement. So it is a natural
process and there is no harm in living a life as
the society needs.
7Moral values enable us to tell right from wrong.
Without Moral values in life, people would lack
understanding, and we would be no different from
other animals. We adhere to unwritten rules so
that we can promote humanity and co-exist in a
society, rules like exchanging resources and
respecting one another as opposed to stealing and
disregarding the lives of others. There is an
8Address Royal Festival Hall, Southbank Center,
London SE1 8XX, UK Telephone
07542 937 908 Email meaningoflife91_at_gmail.co
m Website http//www.meaningoflife.life/campai