LFP also offers softball pitching clinics as a
coach. These include Rec ball, Travel ball and
high school.
2 Lewis BellLewis (Coach Lew) Bell, founder
and CEO of Lews Fastpitch Pitching Lessons,
specializes in private softball fast pitch
pitching lessons for girls. Located in Upper
Montgomery County, MD, I provide private fast
pitch pitching lessons for girls and my client
base includes girls from the ages of 8 to 18
years of age. The training progresses from
recreational ball to travel ball to college. My
main goal is to provide exceptional training
lessons to these girls which enable them to
qualify for their junior varsity and varsity
softball teams in high school and to obtain
college scholarships, and potentially qualify for
the Olympics.
3 Our ServicesLocated in Upper Montgomery
County, MD, I provide private fast pitch pitching
lessons for girls and my client base includes
girls from the ages of 8 to 18 years of age. The
training progresses from recreational ball to
travel ball to college. My main goal is to
provide exceptional training lessons to these
girls which enable them to qualify for their
junior varsity and varsity softball teams in high
school and to obtain college scholarships, and
potentially qualify for the Olympics.
4 Teaching various skills and covering all of the
Warm-up, Grips, Pitching Tips, Fast Ball,
Change up, Curve Ball, Screw Ball, Rise Ball,
Drop Ball, Rec ball, Travel Ball and High School.
Private Lessons For Girls 1 2 Times Per Week
and/or group lessons Building character, self
motivation, leadership skills and confidence
through sports.
5Client Contact InformationCoach LewCell (240)
437-8289Home (301) 337-6759Fax (240)
654-3500Email Coachlew_at_lewsfastpitch.com