Title: Get Legal Data Storage From Prime Array
1Call 800-433-5133
Get Legal Data Storage From Prime Array
2About PrimeArray Systems
PrimeArray is a leader in providing customizable,
dependable legal data storage products for
corporate, government, institutional and
educational networks. Large and small
organizations across the globe use our CD/DVD
servers and loaders, dvd jukebox (s) , bluray
jukebox (s) , optical jukebox (s) , dvd rom tower
(s) , cd drive tower (s) , dvd server (s) , blu
ray server (s) iSCSI storage systems, and network
attached storage products for affordable data
storage and streamlined information sharing.
3Affordable Data Storage
PrimeArray gives customers an affordable option
when it comes to the storage and distribution of
their valuable business data. Any organization
that needs to store data - and that's just about
every organization - will find cost-effective,
flexible storage solutions with our
network-attached and iSCSI storage products.
4Best Legal Data Storage
Many law firms and court systems receive updates
and opinions on laws, cases, regulations and
statutes via CD-based subscriptions. They find
that disk-based subscriptions are faster and
offer more control than Internet subscriptions.
PrimeArray systems help them streamline the
process of loading CDs and make them available to
everyone who needs the information.
5Legal Field Solves its CD/DVD Storage Issues
One of our law firm customers uses their
system primarily for depositions. The depositions
are on video, and often need to be shared with
attorneys throughout the firm. Because they all
have different schedules, trying to share DVDs or
CDs does not work. Having the information on
their PrimeArray system makes the information
always accessible, and keeps it from getting lost.
6Electronic Data Storage, Legal, DVD, CD Network
Attached Server Solutions
A real estate law firm uses their
ServStation to keep up with the changing
legislation and laws in all the different states
in which they work. Every time the legislature
makes a change, or there's an update in their
field, they receive a new CD. To keep from
getting overwhelmed with multiple CDs, they
upload them to their ServStation, creating a
virtual library where the information is
available on the network for multiple members of
the firm.
Avenue Burlington, Massachusetts 01803,
USA Phone 978-455-9488 Fax 978-455-8653 Web