Title: Reading Sheet Music Faster is Quite Helpful
1Reading Sheet Music Faster is Quite Helpful
2Just knowing the names of the notes does not help
in reading music faster. You can learn new music
more easily if you read music well. When you
participate in choirs, bands and all types of
ensembles, faster reading will also help you.
Good reading can save stress and make music more
enjoyable, irrespective of what you are, a singer
or an instrumentalist. Â The lines, spaces and
key signatures must be practiced, if you feel
shaky on these basics. Flash cards or note
spellers are to be used for practice. Workbooks
that give you a chance to practice writing and
naming the notes on the staff are called note
spellers. If you use those little lines above and
below the staff, known as ledger lines for your
instrument, work on them. Various music
composition programs will also help you out in
this. Â The technique will be improved with
practice. At a proper tempo at sight, you need
technical proficiency to sing or play music. The
patterns that occur often, such as scales and
chords are to be worked on especially. Â Before
you actually sing or play, to determine the tempo
and key signature look and read the music
through. Also think it in your head, tapping the
3The arpeggios, chords, and chord progressions
must be worked on. Practice singing or playing
the arpeggios by studying with a theory book. For
marching band, examine some of your marching band
sheet music, which is followed by writing in the
chords. Write the chords that the melody outlines
or implies, in instruments that play only one
note at a time. Sight-reading is enhanced by
knowledge of theory. Â A metronome to a tempo is
to be set, that you can hold and begin to
sight-read. Alternatively, an even tempo can also
be tapped feet too. Without hesitating, making
corrections or stopping read straight through the
music. Your eye must be in movement. Â Increasing
the difficulty and including music in a variety
of styles, tempos and keys in your sight-reading,
10-15 minutes of practice is needed every day.