Title: Discuss Student Loan Rehabilitation with Bruce Mesnekoff
1Today we have Bruce Mesnekoff , A Student Loan
Consolidation Expert From Student Loan Help
Center, Florida here with us in our studio in
Tampa with our Listeners. We are going to discuss
Student Loan Rehabilitation with him. Student
loans surely help to take away the burden away
but what to do when you are in default. The best
way is to be proactive and search for the best
outcome of the available options. Now there are
two actions that you can consider when you are
in default consolidation or rehabilitation. Both
the options have their own advantages and
disadvantages but will definitely help in getting
out of the default situation. Bruce Mesnekoff is
an Author of The Ultimate guide to student loans,
which you can easily purchase from Amazon and
get all updates about student loan consolidation
from it. So Bruce Mesnekoff , According to you
What is Default? When a borrower misses the
scheduled loan payment, the account will become
delinquent and it will remain so till the loan
is made current i.e. borrower makes the payment
to bring loan up to date. After 90 days of
missed payments, delinquency is reported to
credit bureaus and after 270 days it goes into
default. As per Bruce Mesnekoff what is
Rehabilitation of student loan. Through
rehabilitation borrowers are given the chance to
get the loans out of default. The process
involves paying nine payments within a ten month
period as the program allows you to miss a
payment or be late with it). Now further action
depends on the type of loan i.e. whether you have
direct loan or indirect loan. For direct loan,
loan is rehabilitated after nine months but under
indirect loan also known as FFEL loan, guarantor
has to sell your loan to another buyer to
complete the rehabilitation process. After you
make nine payments you must have a minimum
principal and an interest balance of 500. The
payment of nine months cannot be done in lump
sum. Also rehabilitation is only done once. Pros
and Cons Of Student Loan Rehabilitations As
discussed in starting of the paragraph, loan
rehabilitation program has its own benefits and
drawbacks. The advantages include that the
rehabilitated loan will be eligible for future
forbearances. Also if you want to return to
school you are eligible for student aid and most
importantly your credit report will not contain
any loan default notation. Drawbacks include the
requirement to pay nine consecutive payments and
also absence of any formula to decide the amount
to be paid in monthly installments. For More
Information Contact Bruce Mesnekoff on LinkedIn
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