Shared Hosting VS Managed WordPress Hosting - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Shared Hosting VS Managed WordPress Hosting


A Presentation explaining the Differences between Shared Hosting and Managed Hosting. It also explains the Benefits of Managed WordPress Hosting over Shared Hosting. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Shared Hosting VS Managed WordPress Hosting

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Table of content
  • Introduction
  • What is Shared and Managed WordPress Hosting?
  • The Disadvantages of Shared Hosting.
  • The Advantages of Managed WordPress Hosting.
  • Disadvantages of Managed WordPress Hosting.
  • Conclusion.

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Shared vs Managed WordPress Hosting1.Introduction
  • Hosting is an indispensable part of any website.
    Choosing a plan thats ideally suited to your
    needs is crucial to serving a fast, secure
    website to your visitors. As such, the hosting
    plan you choose can often directly influence your
    websites earnings!
  • The aim of this presentation is to compare shared
    (shared hosting in this sense means hosting a
    website on any general shared web server) and
    managed WordPress hosting. Perhaps youve come
    across these terms before, but arent yet clear
    on a few things, like What are the benefits of
    managed WordPress hosting? Is it worth the added
    cost? Is it worth switching from shared to
    managed? If so, read on!

Web hosting
2. What is Shared and Managed WordPress Hosting?
  • Before we go further, lets have a clear view at
    the two services, i.e. shared hosting and managed
  • Shared (shared hosting in this sense means
    hosting a website on any general shared web
    server) hosting is the cheapest means of hosting
    a website. It caters to the most common needs of
    a huge variety of websites for a very low price
    whether theyre powered by WordPress or not.
  • Managed WordPress hosting, on the other hand,
    caters to a very specific market (more on this
    below) by offering both highly-tuned,
    WordPress-optimized servers and a number of
    advanced services.
  • This means in essence that managed WordPress
    hosting is a technically superior form of hosting
    in almost every way.

3. The Disadvantages of Shared Hosting
  • There are a number of issues with shared hosting,
    most of which stem from its business model.
    Although the accounts are cheap, theyre cheap
    because hundreds (sometimes thousands) of users
    are put on the same server. This leads to the
    so-called bad neighbor effect.
  • The server, which houses hundreds of accounts,
    has a fixed amount of memory. If one website
    exploits more than its fair share of the
    available memory, all the other sites housed on
    the same server will experience issues because of
    this one bad neighbor. This essentially means
    that one troubled website has the potential to
    cause thousands of unrelated sites to load
    slowly, or even in the worst case scenario
    not at all.
  • On top of that, memory isnt the only resource
    that gets divided up on a shared server.
    Bandwidth, processing power, storage everything
    has to be shared between these accounts.
  • In actual fact Websites on shared hosting are
    not dependable. Whats more, due to both resource
    restrictions (remember resources must be shared)
    and the fact that shared-hosting environments
    must, generally speaking, be able to run a large
    variety of applications (i.e. not only
    WordPress), theyre very often much slower than
    their managed WordPress hosting counterparts.

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4. The Advantages of Managed WordPress Hosting
  • By choosing a managed WordPress host over a
    shared host, youll not only be able to
    effectively sidestep the bad neighbor problem
    altogether (more on this below), but also reap a
    number of very significant added benefits, such

Blazing Fast Speeds
  • Everything about managed hosting servers is
    optimized to run WordPress. In contrast, shared
    hosts need to be able to run any kind of
    platform/application, so they have to forfeit all
    the WordPress-specific tweaking and fine-tuning
    that managed WordPress hosts are able to do.
  • On managed hosting, everything from the hardware
    to the software is built for WordPress websites.
    Theyll have server-level caching in place and
    will likely be running the most optimal version
    of PHP, MySQL and Apache all of which will be
    individually configured to give the best
    performance possible.
  • In short, running a website on managed WordPress
    hosting can often reduce a sites page-load speed
    by somewhere in the region of 1-2 seconds or
    more! Theres no doubt that your websites speed
    is going to be critical to its success. In short
    The faster it is, the better. This is important
    not only for better customer experience, but also
    because Google takes a webpages speed into
    account (amongst a whole heap of other factors)
    when determining where to rank it in search

Enhanced Security
  • Basic security sweeps are likely performed by
    shared hosts to ensure that their hundreds of
    users on each server arent hit by all sorts of
    threats. Managed WP hosting however, takes
    security to a whole other level.
  • Increased security protocols, daily malware scans
    and the ability to ward off all kinds of cyber
    threats (such as DDoS attacks) are features
    youll find pretty much as-standard on most
    managed WordPress hosting plans.
  • At the end of the day, however no matter how
    secure your servers are websites (especially
    popular ones) still occasionally end up being
    attacked. If your site is unfortunate enough to
    get hacked on managed WordPress hosting, youll
    almost certainly be better off since your hosts
    will likely have both more WordPress-specific
    know-how and be willing to apply it to get you
    out of a fix than a general shared host (a little
    bit more about this further down) will.

Automated Backups
  • I simply cant emphasize enough how important it
    is to make regular backups of your site! Luckily,
    most (if not all) managed WordPress hosting plans
    include not only automated daily backups, but
    also features that let you quickly and easily
    restore to your backups should you ever need to.
  • Many shared hosting services do offer automatic
    backups via cPanel. However, these are almost
    always stored on the same server meaning theyre
    just as susceptible to damage as the original
    data. In addition, restoring to one of these
    backups is usually no trivial task.
  • In contrast, managed WordPress hosting usually
    offers one-click restores that will bring your
    whole site back online within minutes, if not

Automatic Updates
  • With managed WordPress hosting, your web server
    will be managed by professionals whose goal is to
    ensure things are performing at peak efficiency.
    Automatic updates cover not only everything from
    the operating system on the server to PHP and
    MySQL etc., but also WordPress itself!
  • This means that you will always be running the
    latest, most stable and most secure versions of
    just about everything.
  • Shared hosting sometimes offers something
    similar, but with a slight twist. Shared hosting
    operators will also take care of maintaining your
    server essentials, however, this will be done far
    less proactively and primarily include only the
    operating system, control panel, PHP, MySQL and
    Apache at best. It will not, generally, include
    WordPress which you will need to maintain
  • In short A shared hosts goal is not to keep you
    happy. Instead, its to keep the maximum number
    of people on a server happy. Your server will
    always be optimized to run every possible
    combination of applications, and not to run one
    specific platform at peak efficiency.

Better Support
  • Support personnel at your shared host may be
    extremely friendly, but theyre unlikely to be
    WordPress experts.
  • Have you ever had issues where the standard
    response was Make sure WordPress is updated and
    make sure you arent using bad plugins? Or that
    old classic Try deactivating your plugins one
    by one to see if one of those is the problem?
  • Managed WordPress hosts know exactly what version
    of WordPress youre running (since they
    themselves are the ones maintaining it) and what
    plugins you have installed. They will usually be
    able to home in on your problem much more quickly
    and will, generally speaking, be able to solve
    issues that shared hosts wont even get into.

Better Uptime Scalability
  • Due to the highly-tuned nature of the setup, your
    website will be able to handle a much higher
    number of viewers with a managed WordPress host
    than it would be able to when running on shared
    hosting although keep in mind that many leading
    hosts will have predefined limits on the number
    of monthly visitors your site will be able to
    accommodate before being subject to additional
  • Its worth mentioning though, that in actual
    fact, some managed WordPress hosts do, in fact,
    run their services on shared servers i.e. some
    will actually share a portion of the servers
    resources with other users. However, if resources
    are shared, they will be both much, much better
    allocated between fewer users meaning that the
    bad neighbor effect is usually all but
    completely negated. In short, even if you
    purchase only an entry level managed WordPress
    hosting account, you will almost certainly still
    receive a vastly superior level of uptime.
  • Furthermore, if your site does start to outgrow
    the particular managed WordPress plan youve
    chosen, technicians will usually soon let you
    know that youll need to consider upgrading to a
    higher-level of service.
  • The real benefit here is that since your website
    is on a standard platform, there will be no
    migration hassle unlike when having to move
    from a shared to a VPS (Virtual Private Server)
    or dedicated server.

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5. Disadvantages of Managed WordPress Hosting
  • Based on all of the above, Im sure the prospect
    of a managed WP environment is beginning to sound
    pretty great as indeed it should! However,
    before you decide, there are some downsides of
    which you should be aware.

A Higher Price Tag
  • Theres no getting away from it Managed
    WordPress hosting has a higher price tag than
    shared hosting. If youre running a serious
    online business/endeavor, then of course the
    additional cost will almost certainly be more
    than justified. If, however, youre simply
    running a personal or non-profitable blog, then
    it may be worth sacrificing all the
    above-mentioned potential benefits and sticking
    with shared hosting in order to keep costs to a
    minimum instead.
  • Entry-level managed WP hosting plans tend to
    start at an absolute minimum of around 30 a
    month. This will usually get you a managed
    WordPress server on a shared environment. The
    bad neighbor effect still technically exists on
    such plans. However its almost completely
    canceled out by the optimizations put in place
    (as mentioned above).
  • The more expensive managed WordPress hosting
    plans will generally allow for significantly
    higher levels of traffic, even higher levels of
    performance, and entirely eliminate the bad
    neighbor problem by running on virtual private
    servers that share even less resources. However,
    these tend to start at about 160-250 a month.
  • If youre upgrading from a general shared hosting
    plan, your website will likely be all set for
    quite some time with an entry level managed
    WordPress plan of course dont go spending more
    than you need to by pre-empting the future before
    it happens! As your website grows you can keep in
    touch with technicians about upgrades which can
    then be applied to your account as and when
    theyre necessary.
  • On the surface, the price comparison doesnt look
    all that fair. Yes, 30 a month is more than the
    4-5 a month a shared hosting plan will cost
    you, but it contains so many additional services
    not to mention much, much better performance
    that, in many cases trying to save the difference
    in price is really just a false economy!

Limitations on Plugins
  • Many managed WordPress hosting companies will
    often put certain restrictions on usable themes
    and plugins. They may disable some plugins
    because the task they perform is handled on the
    server level (like caching), or they may disable
    them for security reasons, for example.
  • Whilst this limits your options, its often done
    for your own benefit (as hard as that may be to
    swallow). One of the plugins usually not allowed
    on managed WordPress hosting platforms, for
    example, is the ever-popular WP Total Cache, with
    the reason being that managed WordPress hosting
    services usually handle caching on a server-level
    which is actually a far superior way to go
    about doing it!

Inflexible Infrastructure
  • This one almost goes without saying You can only
    use WordPress on managed WordPress hosts. You
    wont be able to run other systems such as
    Joomla, Drupal or Magento on the same server.
  • This is, of course, an absolute deal-breaker if
    you need to run something other than just

6. Conclusion
  • You hopefully now have a good overall
    understanding of the differences between shared
    and managed WordPress hosting. In short If
    youre running a WordPress-powered website and
    have 30 a month to spare, you should almost
    certainly make the switch to a managed WordPress
  • But wait, there is more! Let me introduce to you
    Restriction on any themes or plugins on your
  • I mean you can use any theme or plugin of your
    choice and still have all the Benefits of MANAGED
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